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Everything posted by LordWinter

  1. Starting today, both branches of the emulator are switching to support Java version 21! Dear customers, be careful when updating! A link to the current jdk version is attached below in topic! Начиная с сегодняшнего дня обе ветки эмулятора переходят на поддержку 21 Java версии! Уважаемые клиенты, при обновлении будьте внимательны! Ссылка на актуальную jdk версию прилагается ниже в теме! Download JDK 21.0.2
  2. - Vampiric check maxhp from target after all calc - Fixed geo doors by report - Add itemHandler "Nobless" by request - Auto check default lang from client (if server valid this lang) - Block restore buffs for servitors at events - Added support for block transfroms at fun zones - Typo changes with char regens (fixed dublicate send packets) - Fixed triggers if char get reflect damage & char isInvul - Fixed pk status if kill player with cursed weapon - Effect invisible with param for healblock (by request) - Fixed work bonusExp & bonusSp - Small changes with disconnect system delay - Block community if char in Petrification status - Fixed special bypasses for beleth enter - Start checking quests to block bypass substitution - Department of objects storage - Removed range restriction at valakas movie - Add switch config for show raids at community by ids - Sub triggers add to owner servitor too - Quests 137-143 rework to static system - Corpse Life Drain can use to servitors (like l2off) - Fixed drop protection when char relog - Fixed Dark Cloud Mansion (unlimit spawns) - Fixed feeding golems at CrystalCaverns - Community buffer buttons (at scheme by request) - Epic bosses status (with sleep status) - Fixed epic announce - Improve of epic statistics - Changes for instances support * added hwids limit support * added premium check support * added request items list support * added reward items list support - Miss spawn for Carnamakos - Special bypasses update by instances support too - Fixed 311 quest by report - Fixed NewbieGuide system by report - Vip points diff support - Custom rewards support like by ID - Fixed use shots if hittime not standart - Removed double check skills configs - Rework community check combat state for bypasses - Added max level for players - Added drop info for custom items for campions - Fixed augment skills for oly - Some add checks for quests - Add miss C grade coupons for all classes after 2th class change - Fixed spawn coords by report - Fixed Corpse Burst by report - Fixed correct print champion chances drop - Champions custom drop with penalty calc - External herbs support at Dragon Valley, Lair of Antharas & SOA (like l2off) - Add time support for resurrect skills ("resurrectTime") - Change bypass for class master clan lvl up (duplicates regular) - Academy Circlet added miss skill - Add support Energy Abundance Effect at Dragon Valley (like l2off) - Players can craft at combat status (like l2off) - Some change Dragon Valley spawn - Correct use items count by click - Fixed bypassed by report - Check all proff quests by reward - Any work qirh quests by report - Miss dialodue - Added hide main IP support for proxy - Fixed 60 quest (return adena for each available mark) - Fixed some toggles work (sometime removed with any effects) - Fixed quest _171_ActsOfEvil (reward & drop npcs id) - In Sea of spores can use teleport (like l2off) - Fixed get damage for area at skill Corpse Burst - Fixed skill Fatal Counter (use shots) - Added miss C coupons for Bounty Hunter (after change 2th class) - Fixed invate party with same hwids (miss check party leader) - Debuff immune fixed by report - Added epic movies configs - Fixed Experienced Adventurer's Treasure Sack (by report) - Fixed baby pets for use skills - Fixed hellbound kill mobs (by Holy Water) - Miss check transformation conditions - Geoengine updated * improved calculations from failures * water check updated * doors check updated - Some fixes by reports - Fixed check conditions for party (bug with invite delay) - Rework 275 quest - Added miss beleth htmls - Added group chance modifier for premium account - Added custom support for rnd min max amount items per group - Npc html (clipping line breaks) - Added custom targets by order - Added drop info for groups (by list without pages) by order - Fixed effects time at dual by report - Fixed check doors for pets by report - Add confirm dialogue to some services (by order) - Block to use unlock or transform skills when char at silence - Add config for auto combine talismans - Fix teleport to tent if tw is end - Trade package small edits - Removed additional checks on cb teleport - Opening dialog when entering the game if char is sitting on an off-trade buffs - Added miss pve params for phys skills - New gm commands - Added custom messages for zones (by order) - Dimensional rift (fix double spawn) - Added effect CallClan (by order) - Quests transfer to static reward by order (270,278,289,309) - Running mobs in DV and LOA binding to the geo square - Clan skills in CB fixed dialogue for last skill learn - Fixed pole auto attack for no-flagged from another flagged player - When selecting pet owner in tagret, and pressing attack button, pet must run to owner - Removed ability set pet names as well as nickname of player - Fixed (If you pick up herb on hp or mana, will regenerate servant) - Clan res should not reset pets Mass Resurrection id 1254 (if owner dead) - cmd .party added ability to search for group topic (bypass <topic>) - In .cfg, time for no-carrier is fixed by config limit - Zone revalidation fixed when exit from game (for fan zones) - Fixed freeze when client is crush during teleportation (if the char uses no-carrier) - Fixed pets regen at community buff - Add param for effect TargetCancel (for aggro mobs block) - Delete config TeleportWatchdogTimeout (not needed) - Rework search targets for autofarm (for reduce load) - Change recycling pools for autofarm - Geo edits so that you can't go up when searching path (through textures) - Fixed RestorationRandom when unpacking non-stackable items - Fixed boost of stats from Olf's T-shirt with relogs - Changes on moving for chars with a collapsed client with 0 fps - Next cast block when changing sub - Correct work for cancel (for skills that have several effects) - Fixed double effects with Hurricane (when enchant skill) - Added custom support for items (required and rewards) - Added support checkSlots for items (capsule) - Processing DayNightSpawnManager (support for any raids) - Fixed npe when checking night spawn - Add ability to buy more premium time (not for online types of premium, only with same premium id) - Added a support for viewing quests in which NPCs participate - Added skills info for npcs via shift - Rework REQUEST_ID (images were not uploaded in community under proxy login) - Grouping premium accounts to extend time - Added config for reconfiguring debuffs only in pve - Added config for lvl diff block for epaulette drop - Rework support InventoryUpdate for correct work (without ItemList use) - Fixed localization parse by report - Rework calculations effects time by java time (without game controller) - Removed task for toggles - Fixed AOE skills on sieges - Added reward after change class at grand masters - 662 quest transfer to static reward by request - Fixed double listener at Kamaels - Fixed pets when break cast to owner - Processing casting speed calculations - Fixed 10275 quest - Fixed event Rabbits - Added service for transfer att and elementals - Rework castle sieges system - Support for enable all world events from gm panel even if they are disabled - Fixed npc type (for dialogue) - Fixed spawn Dead Leopard's Carcass - Add custom param for Pailaka - Devil's Legacy - 607 quest rework to static reward - Fixed correct work attach char protection with no-carrier - Blocklist rework support - Fixed drop info for no-rate groups - Fixed remove nobless from summons - Added check for double spawn at rift - Fixed pole attacks - Added check for rename service (added check forbidden names) - Change main class service (added support for remove sublass skills & restore books) - Fixed spawn at Tanor Canyon - Fixed skill Master Recharge - Fixed wrong doors coords - Some change formula for calculating debuffs time from resists - Fixed aggro mobs after stun - Fixed move calc with speed for follow attack (for range) - Fixed friend update list (when remove friend) - Fixed premium buff slots after relog - Added custom oly points every day - Added gm support for remove items from players (like ALT + G) - Support enable/disable relations at fun zones - Add custom support for multisells (check equip items) - Emudev - old support remove - Fixed AOE skills at fun zones - Steal Divinity - block use for npc and summons - Vagabond of the Ruins - added miss minions - Change formula for blow skills - Fixed some pet skills (not increase damage with ss) - Edits of melee attacks if char is in root - Change search for objects by region (priority for current region in which char is located) - Fixed start 309 quest - Some changes of AI guards - Block getting exp for premium pets - Fixed stats boost for buff crafter on servitor - Fixed transfer of att bonus from owner to summon - New support for autofarm (block attack of champs or raids) - Add support hwid & ip check for intances and rift - FOG chance to summon mobs after death is taken out in xml - Added support random amount rewards for effect RestorationRandom - Add support to remove skins for visual mode - Fix wards attack with summon - Configs of rewards for losing on oly - Grouping buffs in community by type so that you can use duplicates - Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery added miss params - Quest Into the World fixed reward - Rework bubble skills - Rework AGGREMOVE skills (like l2off) - Added support for load npcinctance types from scripts - Fixed work skill 902 & 39 - Added att black list support for items - Some item skills fixed - Fixed summon skills attack (check pvp status for some skills)
  3. - remove dynamic respawn config for epics - for correct work skill at hero weapon - workpiece new items (thx Projact) - сhangeAttribute system (workpiece) - sync scripts by pledge packets - add pages support for achivements category - fixed visual bug with effect list (if use items like energy stones) by report - gm announce (by request) - Fixed use heal kills for summons at autofarm - Add re-summon function at autofarm (for summon type farm) - Add new skill options (by order) * MAGIC_CRIT_DEF("mCritDef") * REFLECT_DAMAGE_PERCENT_DEFENCE("reflectDamDef") * ABSORB_MAGIC_DAMAGE_DEFENCE_PERCENT("absorbMagicDamPercentDefence") - Rework 619 quest to static reward - Effect CancelAll check effects to valide for remove - Npe by reports - Limit for receiving rewards for missions has been increased - Param for switch clan missions to single (by request) - Add miss configs - Correct choice of encoding for requests to voting site - Add new weapon types "Twohand Crossbow" & "Dual Blunt" - Added for stats param "dualBluntWpnVuln" - Fixed attack doors by summons or by player with shift - Added all salvation npcs (thx Projact) - Fixed problem with processing mob AI at spawn - Update to 19 jdk - Update connector to mariaDb - Rework scripts compiler (now can compile files with jdk 16+ support) - Simplify database installer - Collect jars & cleanup - Cleanup apach pools support to jdk - Add support for block non-class skills at events * <parameter name="blockNoClassSkills" value="true" /> - Add autofarm logs by request - Fixed next auto attack after cast skills with ctrl - Fixed Bleeding Gash - Rework 237 quest - Add miss valakas skills - Fixed baylor spawn chests - Fixed wrong stats at some skills - Fixed hide enchant info for dressme - Fixed temp hero if use change subclass - Fixed skilltype CHARGEDMG - Added new effects HealDamPercent and ManaDamPercent - Transfer strixguard to commons & some change server side without apache-dbpools - Fixed spawn diff z rage at primeval zone - Typo fix abnormal types - Fixed visible summon name at title after use debuffs to him - Rework "no carrier" system (now full restore char with all statuses after disconnect) - Added check summons to target condition for skills (actual for undead skills) - Database query edits - State of objects (fucking atomicinteger bugs) - Fix event items(dual daggers were not removed and didt equip) - 134 & 135 quests rework to static system - Fixed query errors to db in monster race - Removed unuse configs - Added param for active subclass to 241-247 quests (by request) - Fixed triggers after applying damage - Fixed use of items not prohibited at oly - Fixed HP update in party for summons - ExSendUIEvent format - Fixed spawn problems in instances (spawn from dp) - Update geoengine full - Update moving - Advanced support for ecnhanting - Fixed search delay for mobs (if get effect target cancel) - Fixed check pvp for trigger effects - Fixed miss mobs at 643 quest - Fixed spawn Antharas minions - Item skill debuffs add check conditions - Crit defence resists not add 100% resist (rework) - Added pvp & pve info at stats voice - Add auto trade & party for same ip or hwids - Fixed inventory update for capsule items (if item is no stackable) - Fixed vitality line - Fixed range at 1307 item & full sync with HF5 -> revision
  4. - Invisible effect added block buffs/debuufs (cant be steal like l2OFF) - Block absorb if target invul - Some changes to reflect skill conditions - Add voice support for use default schemes at community buffer - Add _bbsCmdlang <lang> <cmd> - Fixed calc amount for champions (was calc only without premium) - Added configs for spawn delay for fakes (by request) - Fixed problem with fakes if use disarm to fake (now re-equip weapons) - Change calc for RestorationRandom (by report) - Add support for end fight events if players at event < 2 - Fixed afk time lower reward at events - Sandstorm rework AI by report - Added config for BookMarkLimit - Some rework cancel params - Print reward items at classmaster (by request) - Fixed return flag at capture flag event (if char leave from event) - 115 quest transfer to xml support (by request) - Working with pool release - Regroup tasks for raids (respawn, annouce & minions respawn) - Add hero time for events support - Fixed boats (was problem at linux) - Rework oly enchant limits - Fixed npe errors - Fixed auction images (for custom items) - Restoration random effect rounding total chance to greater value - Fixed auction images (for custom items) - Restoration random effect rounding total chance to greater value - Raids pre-announce wrong time (from previous update) - Fixed a problem with CPU consumption - Update some methods for correct work - Added param "isForceRandom" for items capsule - Block aggroPoints for mobs if used skill have damage - Reduce mobs AI processing load - Fixed select rnd opponents for oly - Fixed work runes if change sub - Add param "isSingleRandom" for extractable items (give one item from list) - Fixed work balancer for ALL option and monsters by damage - Fixed recalc world events time - Miss npe at balancer - Rework support for SOA buff zones (change status) - For correct work skill at hero weapon - Fixed problem with load server if SOD was at open status - Some rework AI for SelMahumChef for reduce load - Npe by reports - Add pages support for achivements category - Fixed visual bug with effect list (if use items like energy stones) by report - Correct calc char heading (was wrong sometimes) - Rework beleth (simplification) - Announce when GM (by request) - Fixed use heal kills for summons at autofarm - Add re-summon function at autofarm (for summon type farm) - Rework 619 quest to static reward - Effect CancelAll check effects to valide for remove - Correct choice of encoding for requests to voting site - Fixed attack doors by summons or by player with shift - Add param for heal effect "isStaticHeal" for block mAtk bonus (by order) - Fixed problem with processing mob AI at spawn - Update to 19 jdk - Update connector to mariaDb - Rework scripts compiler (now can compile files with jdk 16+ support) - Simplify database installer - Collect jars & cleanup - Cleanup apach pools support to jdk - Add support for block non-class skills at events * <parameter name="blockNoClassSkills" value="true" /> - Add autofarm logs by request - Fixed next auto attack after cast skills with ctrl - Fixed Bleeding Gash - Rework 237 quest - Fixed try sit to trade when char waking up - Add miss valakas skills - Fixed baylor spawn chests - Fixed wrong stats at some skills - Fixed hero skills when change subclass (for event hero status) - Fixed skilltype CHARGEDMG - Added new effects HealDamPercent and ManaDamPercent - Transfer strixguard to commons & some change server side without apache-dbpools - Fixed spawn diff z rage at primeval zone - Typo fix abnomrmal types - Rework "no carrier" system (now full restore char with all statuses after disconnect) - Added check summons to target condition for skills (actual for undead skills) - Forget miss htmls - Database query edits - State of objects (fucking atomicinteger bugs) - Fix event items(dual daggers were not removed and didt equip) - 134 & 135 quests rework to static system - Fixed query errors to db in monster race - Removed unuse configs - Added param for active subclass to 241-247 quests (by request) - Added upport like l2off bug with reflect - Fixed trigger skills (activate after damage) - Fixed use items without block at oly - Fixed zaken check enter time - Item skill debuffs add check conditions - Crit defence resists not add 100% resist (rework) - Added target type AURA_FRIENDLY_SUMMON (by order) - Limits of messages of applications to clan - Fixed queries to database by skills - Fixed check pvp for trigger effects - Fixed miss mobs at 643 quest - Fixed spawn Antharas minions - Service buy subclass (_bbsservice:subclass) - Fixed mana use for fake death - Advanced support for ecnhanting (by order) - Fixed search delay for mobs (if get effect target cancel) - Update geoengine full - Update moving - Fixed range for item 1307 (thx Wizzard)
  5. Rebith 3.0 - Rebirths are created according to templates (unlimited) - Creation of any number of branches for learning skills - The ability to limit the choice of the right or left branch in the process of learning skills or both - Сonvenient formation of required items and awards - Most convenient xml support for the mod - Перерождения создаются по шаблонам (неограниченно) - Создание любого количества веток изучения скилов - Возможность ограничения выбора правой или левой ветки в процессе изучения скилов или же обоих - удобное формирование требуемых предметов и наград - максимально удобная xml поддержка мода Price / Стоимость - 5000 (rubles)
  6. From January 1, 2023, all our active repositories will be moved to gitlab and current svn hosting will cease to exist. In this regard, all cutomers need to contact me to clarify and confirm their accounts. Subscriptions of all unconfirmed accounts will be suspended without right to restore. Also, starting from the new year, pricing policy in all directions will be transferred to a fixed price in rubles! С 1 января 2023 года все наши активные репозитории будут перемещены на gitlab и текущий хостинг svn прекратит свое существование. В связи с этим всем клиентам необходимо со мной связаться для уточнения и подтверждения своих аккаунтов. Подписки всех не подтвержденных учетных записей будут приостановлены без права на восстановление. Так же начиная с нового года ценовая политика по всем направлениям будет переведена на фиксированную цену в рублях!
  7. - Fixed some dialogues (thx Projack) - Some buffer buttons transfer from core - Added hide options for replace char info at all htmls - Added debuffs limit by config - Added abnormalType ID support for packets - PartySpelled skills info fixed - Fixed summon double info (if remove summon whyle casting) - Hp status updating for all around mobs (when use mass attack) - Friend update list when add new friend - Crystallize add info pre-rewards - Fixed autoshots at oly for 140 protocol - CharmOfCourage icon update (was problem at salvation client) - Added new stats for resists ABSORB_DAMAGE_DEFENCE("absorbDamDefence"), ABSORB_MANA_DAMAGE_DEFENCE("absorbManaDamDefence"), ABSORB_MAGIC_DAMAGE_DEFENCE("absorbMagicDamDefence") - Some changes at pledge packets for update info - Trade items update fixed (visual bug) - Added beatyshop support - Subclass change support at userinfo panel - Attach daily rewards -> to bestiary button - Miss subs update info if add or change sub at community - Fixed correct work party marker - Add dynamic respawn scale, configuraion and example - Add buy olympiad points community board service - Full sync with HF5 branch
  8. - Added debuffs limit by config - Rework xml support for dressme & visualme - Fixed quests 118 & 123 (thx projact) - 713 & 715 quests typo fix - All pets skills by l2off (sync to part 5) thx projact - Check move line at water (without sticking) - Falling changes - Kamaloka guards at towns cant be killed - Update core for https://l2jeternity.com/index.php?/topic/289-mod-simple-discord-bot-for-your-server/ - Fixed hairs preview at visual service - Remove effects when char exit from zone (added for effect zones) - Final fix for mobs (problem stuck to the walls) - Some change QueenAntNurse AI - Players can get trigger skills by summon hit (at reflect damage like l2off) - Check event status for attack players (if event not in instance) - Miss active skill at siege golem - Added rift param for custom chance enter to boss room - Community clan & teleport buttons transfer support to htmls - Added new cmd -> _bbslang <lang> <html> for community - Add Vervato with ressurection option - Added clan variables support - Added timestamp when use items at acp - Added enchantadd & enchantmul (custom support for all stat params) - Added new options for fun pvp zone - Rework CompassZone support - Rework premium bonus types at core - Some changes at pledge packets for update info - Fixed repead quests 164,217,219 by report - Fixed remove karma (problem is in the sequence of actions) - Skill Shoulder Charge effect fixed - Skill Power Break fixed (only debuff use) - Calc reward for quest Containing the Attribute Power - Champions custom support for add skills & check valid npcId by list - Add fake traders support - Premium services without prem status (at custom community) - Block check actions for autofarm if player run by geopath - Added check ressurect siege condition for fort sieges - Clan services can use clan members who have all privileges - Small change for premium page replace info - Block add new bonuses to old if char buy double premium - 645 quest rework - Check use toggle skills if char in anchor - Add params for control levels & proffs for fight events register - Add support for block all stats from excluded skills at fight events - Add config for tele support for summon to owner - Add mass extractable items with ctrl (only for ExtractableItems type) - Correct sequence of sending packets during teleportation - If mob in group party and clan buffs apply for all group - Some change AI for check mobs buffs - Check abnormal types for autofarm buffs - Add config for pets recharge - Add announce support for punishments - Rework 334 quest to static reward by report - Four sepulchers fixed spawn & small changes at mobs AI - Add listener for check remove or not sertification skills when sub change at community - Add supports for armor sets with more one chest - Check zero position for drop items - Small changes for walking mobs AI - Change aggro support for freya AIs & block spawn mobs at instance if instance empty - Correct drop info for custom drop at champion mobs - Configs for correct chances of debuffs by npcs accounting statsMod - Rework limits for players & summons (now can add all stats for Stats.java like oly and any) - Full regroup and increase options for reload gm system - Fixed elcadia use skills - Block check TW quests from any zones (not from sieges) - Block sellbuffs at siege zones - Null errors by reports - Dynamic distribution of threads on all cores - Add config for sellbuffs (use at peace zones by request) - Added rebirth check for enter instances support - Npcs remove Invul status -> change to Undying - Fixed get vote rewards for uft8 name players - Added support for mmotop votes count (by sms vote) - Rework check dual dagger conditions (now check from 923 skill) NEED CLIENT SIDE for all races! - Area skills check can-see target by geo from first target (like l2off) - Simulation cast dont break skills (like l2off) - Fixed problem with summons spawn position (now check by geo) - Rework world events check status without db - Added support for excluded Classes at fight events - Add print rewards info at class master
  9. Monsters Book (Emu-Dev Converter) * Скрипт парсит реальные статы ваших мобов с активного сервера * По возможности учитывается регион обитания монстров (если они есть в мире на текущий момент) * Парсит ваш актуальный дроп и спойл с текущими рейтами сервера * Большой спект подгона камеры по отображению мобов по коллизиям (возможны мелкие недочеты) * Парсит весь список предметов сервера цена 5000р.
  10. - Armor sets support skills by pieces amount - Friend info correct - Fixed black route icon if skill enchant to max level - Shortcut enchant level fixed too - Added support for infinity arrows (core part) - Added enchant support for extractable items (and add support for fame and other minus ID items by reward) - Manufacture correct work with client - Hide skill animation (miss at 140 packet support) - Small changes at clan packets - Added CmdLineLogin support - Added chance multisells support - full sync with changelogs -> https://l2jeternity.com/index.php?/topic/281-revision-2368/
  11. - Fixed correct check timestamp (if char unequip item when reuse approaching zero) - CHARGEDAM skill have static damage (thx MTJ) - Change ai configs format - Rework gem dragon & drakos guardian minions support - Fixed skills by reports - Add check geo with WASD - Block learn certification skills if at community not in donate mode - Unsummon pets if cher use fly transform - Summons cant attack hide players - Correct calc spoil chance (was problem with high chance) - block use acp if char invisible - add support for rune items (now can use active skills) * <set name="activeRune" val="true" /> - Change pole attacks - Add cb tele new support by order - Some changes with check z coords when moving - Ui support rework - Fixed npe by reports - Experimental java settings for optimization - Check day zaken double spawn - Added miss check for active reflection for char enter (party or cc members) - Rework autofarm check active windows (now check from double session manager) - Add option for increase farm time if char already buy time - Rework check free farm time - Block use fear to raid - Check correct item skills if debuffs cant use for players - Rework pole multiplier by request - Correct mana consumption of talismans for use of skills - Added mobs images for community (thx by customer) - Fixed check schemes amount for create at community buffer - Test rework validation char when falling (test rework!) - Rework show droplist by groups with pages - Fixed autoenchant when item broke (was wisual bug) - Rework zones support for sell buffs & trade - Top damager typo check - No trade zones restore by request - Npe with weapon skills by report - Block unstuck if char fearing or silence - Added new service for change main class from sub class (html support only for custom community) - Update html info if autofarm end or disable - Changed Backstab to calc chance not only when behind target (like l2off) - Added party limit by config - Miss param at packet for correct check AA hwid - Added new bypass fot by premium [_bbspremiumOnlyBuy <ID>] by request - Fixed miss backstab correct front chance - Regroup player tasks general tasks - Check geo at water moving (test) - Added valid to use potions at sellbuffs or craft mode - Changed decode hwid format for AA - Added support for limit learn skills for multiproff by order - Rework check talismans at inventory for combinetalismans cmd - Added suppot for kamalokas (if you solo type or solo-party type player can use dialogue with npcs) - Fixed sticking nextattack actions after use skills (if you use little min hit time at configs) - Custom inventory support by order - Autofarm menu when char dead (only if farm was active) - If char dead at instance was wrong time limit info - Added param for event for block/not block buffs - Config for use community at combat state - Added invul effect for GM player - Event buttons transfer to localization (by request) - Fixed double items from Restoration effect - Added more correct support for check item skills - Enchant skills custom items support - Typo check tw for oly config - Add l2s geodata support for loader - Reduce use memory with loaded geo - Fixed unsummon problem (with re-summon & wrong pet window info) - Next attack action after use skill (check target to auto attackable) - Correct target type for skill (Sublime Self-Sacrifice) - Calc step by step pathfinding for all mobs - Added limit for crit damage modifier (by request) - Fixed Newbie Guide bypasses by report - Added event LoversJubilee (thx Projack) - Fixed quest 024 by report - Corpse mobs animations block - Unstuck fixed to cancel - Added around attacks (from all weapons) custom support - Added effect handlers load from dp - Block use skills to doors (if door not auto-attackable) - If mob attacked player and player target null -> set auto target - 025 quest fixed dialogues - Added skill time rate params BUFF_RATE("buffRate"), DEBUFF_RATE("debuffRate") - 716 quest correct work - Added support exp & sp for multisells - Added custom redirect for npcs shift-click bypass - Fixed 714 quest - Added check skills conditions for toggles - Fixed check valid active skill for autofarm (if char do relog) - Fixed correct work 708 quest - Fixed skills * Spirit of the Cat * Spirit of the Demon * Spirit of the Unicorn - Fixed ban chat by config types - Fixed some dialogues (thx Projack) - Rework clan level up support to xml format - Some buffer buttons transfer from core - Added hide options for replace char info at all htmls (at community)
  12. Ready-made pack of 84 suits and 75 cloaks Pack includes client and server part for our server! suits - https://disk.yandex.ru/a/5nlDTYTIGdFqEw cloaks - https://disk.yandex.ru/a/kACb4wpz7_C1rA PRICE - 250 EURO
  13. тех работы на свн это единичные случаи, в 90% это или я забыл оплатить его или я его оплатил но инфа об оплате не дошла до хостера, потому что из-за проблем с вэбмани для частных лиц все делается ручными переводами без какой-либо автоматизации.
  14. - Sync & fixed problem with spaces at htmls - Community services without premium by config - Replace space at the end of quest htmls - Fixed mail list (problem with open mails) - Fixed ss damage visual effect - Fixed tick debuffs print at target - Raids changes - Fixed abnormals - Sync with add support by abnormalEffect for all npcs * example <set name="abnormalEffect" value="FIVE_STARS;POISON" /> - Fixed auction html print - Fixed sell at private store - Fixed zaken barrels at new client - Added hide accessory support - Wasd complete - Full sync with HF5 branch
  15. - Added new options for summon farm type (magic type for summons & option for block summon melee attacks) need update autofarm - Fixed quest by report - New option for sellbuffs (by request) - Added support for Rune Jewelry Box - Talisman & Pablo's Box (thx Edo Satria) - Fixed auction error by report - Change to correct Angry Bunny items support - Expansion configs for custom rates - Added param for premium (rewards modifier) - Miss agathion skills (thx fa) - Fixed teleports at firt if change room - Added custom skills support for custom visual service - Added disable full check for ingredients for multisells - Fixed limit check at fun zones (was wrong limit param) - Fixed problem with drop items from inventory (sometimes was hide) - Remove all configs from rift and transfer support to xml (by request) - Rework htmls cache system - Solo kamaloka rewards transfer to xml - Fixed check class id for Arena buffer at colliseum - Fixed block use toggle skills if player sit - Fixed disable fake death if player use toggle skill - Check and correct all toggle skills by use mp - Fixed attack conditions by mobs (if fake attack npcs) - Added you support reward for class master (by order) - Added pvp,pk & ally info for char at community main page (by request) - Add option for not removed skills <set name="isBlockRemove" val="true" /> - Full rework toggle skills support & sync with regen (like l2off) - Sync phys & magic atk speeds and run & walk speeds - Fixed npe at CatsEyeBandit AI - Next sync with npcs stats - Npe at login, if host IP crush - Added fail pathfinders for mobs (to check before teleport to target) - Change calc achivements (mobs & byId) for groups - Add separate calc stats for raids - Add configs for auto summon buffs at community (by order) - Some changes at water movement - Fixed sticking during attack - Check raids spawn locs by report - Add new gm cmd for tele to raid by ID - Regroup acp in one task - Correction chance for blow skills with miss params - Check critical damage calc - Some configs change defaul status - Darkness Energy Drain must not activate flag - Adjusting escape of archer mobs - Smoother mobs pathfinding before teleporting to target - Transformations cant be dispel by alt+click - Cursed players check autoattack conditions - Fixed end attack berofe next cast skills - Correct mobs positions why finish moving - Added support for dragon valley migration - Fixed problem with strider skills use - Added new params for champion mobs - Added new params reflectMagicSkillDam and reflectPhysSkillDam (can use by %) - Chances modifiers for raids & champions - Fixed correct work .relog (was crit) - Online rewards added sql support for save info - Rework events autotimes to cron format - Added "enchantBonus" for skills support - Added OnRaidPointListener - Fixed correct work Four Sepulchers - Colision for some npcs by report - Added support for classic shift-click - Added adena chance modifier for champions - Fixed achivement rewards - Working with thread load - Group respawn tasks & playes sava data pools - Miss spawn & wrong empty instaces time - Miss capsuled items - Added block global aggro without pathfinder for some npcs - Added color config "switch" by request - Group follow tasks - Added param for champion lethal immune - Add dropinfo by groups "bypass -h group" - Autofarm lock - Events items correct work - Miss auto spawn reg fortress npcs - Regroup calc java time for all server - Added new type zone for sell buffs - Some rework tasks for event Leprechaun - Fixed 348 & 501 quest (removed ru messages in code) - Fixed 607 quest by null error - Update to jdk17 (start adapt code) - Fixed 709 quest for correct work - Removed update of raid points indatabase when killing rb to reduce load - Check auto follow char if cant see target - Fixed problem with attack by mobs if char run away - Correct parse skills descr from datapack - Better wasd - Fixed some problem with antisignet summons at pvp zones - Added param for block custom skills at oly (beta test) - If cubic remove debuff check trigger too - Add vote by l2jbrasil & l2top.co - Added config for summon owner attack - Added custom reward for oly win & lose - Added announce by oly battles - Added option for mass punishment (write at name section -> ALL) - Fixed npe by reports - Fixed problem with loot if party leader at peace zone - Expanded pathfind if player is hiding near columns - 654 transfer to static system - 653 transfer to static system
  16. New options! - update design - added separation types for summon (fighter & mage types) - added option for disable melee summon attackes
  17. AUTO-FARM 2.0 | АВТО-ФАРМ 2.0 Mod supports 5 modes: * Physical mode (for fighter classes) * Archer mode (for fighter classes) * Mage mode (for mage classes) * Support mode (for all classes) * Summon mode (for all summoners) General Functions: 1. Add player skills from the shotcuts panel 2. Addendum/Deleting used skills 3. Assist in party by targeting the leader (for all modes) 4. Use skills at random from the list (for each type of skills individually) 5. Reuse skills with a delay (configured in the configs) 6. Control the disstance from the starting point of the farm (so as not to run away far) 7. Run away from close-range attacks of monsters 8. Setting the target search distance 9. Block target if it is already being attacked by another player. 10. Enable/Disable close-range attacks on the assistant (for healer mode) 11. Enable/Disable mana recovery to the leader (for healer mode) 12. Enable/Disable use of summon skills (for summoner mode) 13. System usage limit by HWID or IP (configured in configs) 14. Enable/Disable system for premium players only 15. Free test mode for players (configurable in the configs) 16. Available mode for calculating the remaining time when the farm is enable 17. Auto save all farm configured skills Works by voice command .autofarm This system is currently being tested on live projects. Features will expand! We are not trying to make a full-fledged bot for the server. This service is designed for a more comfortable game System is paid for! for verification and testing, you can use our test server. Base price 70 euro! (can be changed depending on extension of functionality) Система поддерживает 5 видов режимов: * Режим войнов (для ДДшников) * Режим лучников * Режим магов * Режим хиллеров * Режим самонеров Общие функции: 1. Добавлять навыки игрока с панели шоткатов 2. Добавление/Удаление используемых навыков 3. Ассист в пати по таргету лидера (для всех режимов) 4. Использовать скилы по рандому из списка (для каждого типа скилов индивидуально) 5. Использовать повторно скилы с задержкой (настраивается в конфигах) 6. Контролировать дисстанцию от начальной точки фарма (чтобы не убегать далеко) 7. Отбегать при ближних атаках монстров 8. Настройка дистанции поиска целей 9. Запрет на цель, если ее уже атакует другой игрок. 10. Включение/Отключение ближних атак по ассисту (для режима хилеров) 11. Включение/Отключение восстановления маны лидеру (для режима хилеров) 12. Включение/Отключение использования скилов саммонов (для режима самонеров) 13. Лимит использования системы по HWID или IP (настраивается в конфигах) 14. Включение/Отключение системы только для премиум игроков 15. Пробный бесплатный режим для игроков (настраивается в конфигах) 16. Режим расчета оставшегося времени только при включенном фарме 17. Авто сохранение всех настроенных скилов фарма Работает по голосовой команде .autofarm Данная система в настоящее время тестируется на лайф проектах. Функции будут расширяться! Мы не пытаемся сделать полноценного бота для сервера. Этот сервис предназначен для более комфортной игры Система на платной основе! для проверки и тестирования вы можете использовать наш тестовый сервер. Базовая цена 70евро! (может быть изменена в зависимости от расширения функционала)
  18. - broochs & skills and agathions support - daily rewards support - fixed karma info - fixed problem with transfrom char info - correct learning skills after change proff etc... - fixed GM hide abnormal when enter to world - add pledge missions support - fixed problem with transformation (char position when cast transform skill) - add configs for change world size - fixed problem with spaces at htmls - full sync with HF5 2294 rev
  19. - full rework logs system & clean up - trove support removed - fixed problem with enable visual shield (with arrows) - added confirm dialogue for buy olf shirt service at community - add param for block buffer at fight events - add miss AI for pagan mobs - miss settings for enchant logs - additional fake online modifier (by request) - all augmentation settings transfer to xml (by order) - add time zone support https://l2jeternity.com/index.php?/topic/223-time-zones/ - fixed jail time from seconds to minutes - clean up methods & re-group global variables - fixed problem with spoiled dead mobs for autofarm players (players stuck) - full rework aggro system & calc new calc top damager (with check paty or cc damage) - all 3th class quests transfer to static system - some rework multisell support https://l2jeternity.com/index.php?/topic/109-multisells-advanced-feature/ - auction info rework like l2off (by report) - fixed add karma if killer summon - full rework multilang support (now server can use any langs) - some change xml support for world events - regroup autofarm settings - some clean up methods - fixed problem with empty pers name (only was problem with new pets) - fixed critical problem with boats!!! (can be crush server) - rework manor support - WASD correct work - new param for block skill learn items by types (by order) - add pages support for individual buffs - remove attach buff types from core (now can create any buttons with any types) - full clean up & rework listener system - fixed Olf's T-shirt add pDef when enchanting - fixed skill Touch of Death - add config for custom save Enchant(for block items by id) - separate bonus from runes for raid bosses drop "raidDropMultiplier" - add param for augment all items (by order) - add some new listener methods - rnd damage from skills transfer to config - oly info by order - add payment options for offline mod - regroup global tasks - correct calc chance Steal Divinity - update daily reward service (need update script) - add new listener support - add new param "autoLoot" for skills support - fixed account ban support - added support SGUARD - add task management managers (to reduce load) - fixed correct restore hp mp cp (after load all skills & effects) - removed minion instance type - recalc check summon and pet skills without db - block enchant items at community if item not enchantable - block findparty service if player have ban chat - fixed problem with autofarm (when char have Petrification effect) - added white IP list for login server by request - next npcs tasks optimization - passive fakes tasks optimization - cleaning of unnecessary tables - rift change support to xml parse - some change Sel Mahums AI - remove check game & login protocol session (not important) - fixed htmls at 2 and 33 queset by report - some rework double session support - 19 & 24 update by report - add config for TW wards limit by order - add config for disable illegal actions logs by request - 63 quest transfer to static system - 64 quest transfer to static system - 254 quest transfer to static system
  20. добрый день, а смысл? Сейчас все более менее адекватные проекты стараются перейти на более новые протоколы клиентов. Или делают "ремастед". Поэтому опускать сервер до штатного ИТ клиента не вижу смысла. Тот же 140 протокол сальвейшена куда лучше для раскачки, но чтобы сделать все по ИТ хроникам, много работы... как в принципе и под ХФ
  21. * Server: - Gm view char info correct - combine support like Salvation - added raids info at world map - final chnages for auto-fish - phime shop support - fixed visual cubic remove - fixed problem with remove steal effect when char use dismont - fixed update abnormal effects state when they remove at npcs - problem with evolve pets - correct print abnormal effects - add effect list at GM menu for check and use - add max level for char (by order) - fixed work clan warehouse - fixed clan subpledge skill list - fixed summon info at party - fixed problem with transform visual info - sync with HF 2262 rev * Client: - raid info at minimap support like HF5 - location info at minimap support like HF5
  22. - Fixed correct check skills by "SkillsCheck" (was problem with enchant skills) - Regroup & cleanup methods by death class - Block reload scripts (can add only new not-load scripts) because java cant unload scripts from cache - Check invul mobs for autofarm players - Clean double sessions if char kick by enter game - Transfer calc raids respawn to decay method (to reduce load on database) - Some rework GemDragons AI - Add miss check for offline traders double sessions (for voice) - Small changes for clan section by report - Community buffer set price transfer to xml - Change calc effects chance limits ( now firts calc with min chance -> next use balancer value -> next calc with max limit ) - Fixed calc chance for debuff skills without skillType - Add check for use skills if char at transformation - Fixed doble use scroll of resurrections (at distance) - Added custom time for sell buffs (by order) - Fixed auto-announce correct read "-1" repeat param (at gm menu) - Add check run speed limits at water - Community buttons without sticking - Added configs for marking regions - Add new custom options for passive spoil * example support for skills <add order="0x10" stat="passiveSpoil" val="1" /> - Added miss premium shots support by report - Added support for increase mobs and raids stats - Added spawn and respawn multipliers (only for mobs) - Some regroup check avaliable skill list for autofarm (need update script too!) - Add delay for mobs calc defence chance - Add drop limit per group for champions - Fixed calc bonus for stats adenaMultiplier and etc... - Fixed heal cubic (was non-stop summon heal) - Fixed problem with Spoil enchant chances - Correct link for quest reward by report - Levels support change from byte to int (for custom support) - Correct target update if target-char use transform or mount - Fix problem with currect Hp for mobs (if mob was champion) - Update java version to jdk 15 - Rework and check 652 quest by report - Add resist support for champions (by request) - Add custom support for armors augmentation (by request) - Life stones support transfer to xml - If enable config GuardAttackAggroMob npc check target not by all region!(reduced radius) - If enable config AlwaysTeleportHome mobs will use teleport only if distance more 1000 from spawn location - Block community teleport if char isInStoreMode - Change some check for multisell augmentation (can use for jewerly & armor) - some change regen support - Remove rnd multiplier for magic damage - Add custom param for skills (now can group custom skills for autofarm types) * example <set name="farmAttackType" val="true" /> <set name="farmChanceType" val="true" /> <set name="ffarmSelfType" val="true" /> <set name="farmHealType" val="true" /> - Rework preview support for dressme (now can see items animation and add support for preview hairs) - Add config for acssess level for new players(by request) - Check null session key at login connect - Add config for equip cloaks without sets - Add npc AI configs - Rework punishment support - Group spawns cache in one group (from db & xml) - Krateis cube full rework - Added lock actions for active autofarm - Fixed dead pets target for players - Added confirm dialogue for augment service at community - Add config for block community for flagget players (by request) - If admin use ban by IP or hwid -> search other player with same hwid or IP - 103 quest transfer to static system - 228 quest transfer to static system - 308 quest transfer to static system - 360 quest transfer to static system
  23. Starting today, both branches of the emulator are switching to support Java version 15! Dear customers, be careful when updating! A link to the current jdk version is attached below in topic! Начиная с сегодняшнего дня обе ветки эмулятора переходят на поддержку 15 Java версии! Уважаемые клиенты, при обновлении будьте внимательны! Ссылка на актуальную jdk версию прилагается ниже в теме! Download JDK 15.0.1 x64
  24. We are ready to offer you the most favorable conditions for the purchase of our products. For your convenience, there are 2 options to choose from: 1. Expanded option: 25000₽ Server emulator Geodata Custom Community Board Help with server setup Access private svn with updates Technical support 2. Option (all inclusive): 34000₽ Server emulator Geodata Custom Community Board Autofarm Help with server setup Access private svn with updates Technical support Source code of scripts Bonuses and Loyalty Additionally you get a discount on the services of our team* Prompt correction of critical problems**, if they are of course the same . We answer your questions , ask them in this section. Honesty, openness and respect . Before purchasing the emulator we provide a test server for potential buyers . For all your questions, you can contact in ICQ - 397086629 or Skype * After purchasing any version of the Assembly. **Problem resolution time may take up to 48 hours . Information is current at the time of publication. Latest update 14.10.2021 Мы готовы предложить вам самые выгодные условия приобретения нашей продукции. Для вашего удобства, доступно 2 варианта на выбор: 1. Стандартный вариант: 25000₽ Эмулятор сервера ГеоДата Кастомная комьюнити Помощь в настройке сервера Доступ к закрытому svn с обновлениями Техническая поддержка 2. Всё включено: 34000₽ Эмулятор сервера ГеоДата Кастомная комьюнити Авто-фарм Помощь в настройке сервера Доступ к закрытому svn с обновлениями Техническая поддержка Исходный код скриптов Бонусы и Лояльность: Смотреть все бонусы и акции Дополнительно получаете скидку на услуги нашей команды* Оперативное исправления критических проблем**, если они будут конечно же. Отвечаем на интересующие вас вопросы, задавайте их в этом разделе. Честность, открытость и уважительное отношение. До покупки эмулятора мы предоставляем тестовый сервер для потенциальных покупателей. По всем интересующим вас вопросам, вы можете обращаться в ICQ - 397086629 или в Skype *После приобретения любого варианта сборки. **Может потребоваться дополнительное время на тестирование/проверку/воссоздание ошибки. Информация актуальна на момент публикации. Последнее обновление 14.10.2021
  25. - Check attack distance when char run by geopath to mobs - Fixed siege clanhalls print register clans info (by report) - New event types support like pvp zones (Solo & Team) - Add hero status & skills support for event rewards - Add hide char info support for events - Fixed CPU loads by passive fake players - Add miss icons for some skills by report - Add config for give hero skills by donate - Rework pvp color system by request - Add support for auto backup db - Add delay for fakes by request - Group custom GM spawn config - Fixed error for server list if use more 1 server - Add new custom support for instances by request - Re-group formulas configs & add resist and prof limits - Added description for skills at xml (example support at clan community) - Fixed items whitch have param "enchanted" - Fixed problem with summons use skills (for autofarm) - Add check for use self mp restore (like body to mind for autofarm) - Fixed problem with change color name ot title by gm (by report) - Some change calc chance for trigger skills - Add new option for fight events (use custom item at events for balance) - Added miss calc chance for balancer - Correct print info by debug char status - Rework magic fail formula - Rework clan section for custom community - Reverse config for vertical regions (to improve the connectivity of regions and reduce load) - Add depth configs for neighboring regions - Next extensions of layout of community clans section - Some change shutdown for more fast - Block ress for chars if leave from event (when timer run) - Correct check cache for load images for community clan icons - Correct Dragon Valley mobs skills (was miss some params)