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  3. estou na mesma situacao!to querendo tirar umas duvidas mas nao consigo achar ninguem que responda.
  4. Earlier
  5. - fixed problem with rest status when char teleport - added custom support for visualme like block skins by class ID - custom navigation for community raids - remove cursed weapons whean char do repair - fixed cast isOutPost ar TW if char at owner territory - added custom respawn time by hours time - aggro added by frined aggro - orbis mobs support by order - change support for color service. new bypasses - raids watch if they are alive (new button at cb) - level sorting configuration - service colors rework of names & titles - fixed next target at events - fixed rates info for specific format - damage delay for weapons like l2off - rework rune zone at events - new minion placement system - implementation of premium tatto support - support for blessed items and their bonuses from enchanting - config for displaying debuffs at target - rework 372, 629, 632, 633 quests to xml format - rework of effects update system - rework broadcastModifiedStats system - added henna limits - fixed save aggro info when npc teleport - RB points - displaying mobs in community (map pos) - npe when loading time zones - output time for cleanup souls and charges for convenience on request - remove debuffs at death for events - fixed pvp status for weapon skills on crit skills - geo checks for skills with CORPSE_CLAN target type - forced unsummon pets at events - reset of subsequent casts of skills from char during abortCast - npe 457 quest - partial problem of triggers - permanent key for use - registration for forts is like on Skryde - npe by DrakosGuardian - added spawn delay for summons (was problem for autouse pet shorts) - rework control for AI mobs system (enable/disable) - added check char heading in process of casting - added check targets limit for aura skills - fixed summons in aggrolist - disable pet's shots if it is dead - fixed daily/pledge tasks if kill by summons - fixed give ch skills (custom) - Missed ru html for Quest 611 612 619 620 - add an alternative tutorial - fixed 383 quest - update rewards for oly quests - disabling ban system if IpBanTime = 0 - don't reset aggro from summon if owner is invise - fixed bug when enter/exit transformation (character position) - monsterbook support - announce support for lucky game - skills check zone support - added miss Faction packets - added abilty system - fixed problem with transform z coords position - restore work balancer (need update multiproff for same correct work!) - fixed autoget skills (miss check for removeskills support) - teletoleader block if leader dead - fixed block grade settings fun zones - change check support for visual service with one example - fixed chances for enchanting by char lvl (added support for 120 level limit) - correct chance in drop from champions group - fixed visual problems with updating souls when using skills - int values of stats when shift-click players - correct operation of dagger skills in conjunction with ACP - processing of boosts and protection from valakas (with buffs of scrolls) - added static param "addPotionMp" for mp effects - rework custom stats for reflections (tranfer to param settings) * example <add_parameters> <set name="showTimer" value="true" /> <set name="isTimerIncrease" value="true" /> <set name="timerText" value="test test" /> <set name="isHwidCheck" value="true" /> <set name="isSummonAllowed" value="true" /> <set name="isPvPInstance" value="true" /> <set name="isForPremium" value="true" /> <set name="isForNoble" value="true" /> <set name="isForHero" value="true" /> <set name="isHasCastle" value="true" /> <set name="isHasFort" value="true" /> <set name="minRebirth" value="1" /> <set name="hwidsLimit" value="1" /> <set name="ipsLimit" value="1" /> </add_parameters> - correct time output for the time skills mod - npe with geo coords check - AnomicFoundry fix check die mobs - correct check zones for totem items - fixed Vengeance skill via the debuff cancellation cube - change mp checks when using skills - fixed 118 quest rewards - correct updating karma counter - logger update to log4ij2 - transition to Java 23 - updating database connector - fixed problem with load server witjhout geo - fixed bug of 100% overlay of third-party effects if cancel effect was present in skill - cancel of task for return buffs when changing sub - rework items log system - final output of logs information & small changes at dp for skills (by report) - added a support for angle attack of skills - rb cancel has been redesigned to check possibility of removing buffs (if the skills do not have a block from cancel) - added configs for oly(check level class level & noble status) - changes to fix overbuff by number of slots - fixed problem buy equip items at private store - dynamic distance calculation when applying fear - rework orfen support -> to AI - fixed freeze problem with macro equip sets - fixed problem lose autofarm time (for online type support) - added event Hunt for Santa Begins - fixed problem with active/blackout siege icons at characters (like l2off) - item auction change support to crone time enable - final changes for siege icons - range area skills was wrong calc distance (was not from target) - problem with slots when equip jewelry at hf5 client - fixed enter & exit to transfors - parameters for heal - encoding bypasses for tutorial separately - combat status checks for the ability menu - added support for 152 protocol Salvation (for multi use) - tele tabs extension service in community - fixed for opening chests if the item is not stable (for mass open) - rework spawn for Crypts of Disgrace & mechanics like l2off - mammon changes - Christmas events changes for can add bypadd id reward - added skills check support for reflection enter - added miss AI for LOA (like l2off)
  6. - separate param for reuse dances and songs - fixed problem with rest status when char teleport - remove cursed weapons whean char do repair - fixed cast isOutPost ar TW if char at owner territory - added custom respawn time by hours time - aggro added by friend aggro - change support for color service. new bypasses * _bbs_service;colornamelist * _bbs_service;colortitlelist - npe by reports - fixed next target at events - fixed rates info for specific format - rework rune zone at events - damage delay for weapons like l2off - new minion placement system - rework 372, 629, 632, 633 quests to xml format - rework of effects update system - rework broadcastModifiedStats system - fixed displaying spawn epics on map in community service - fixed save aggro info when npc teleport - miss xml support for quest 626 - fixed RB points - displaying mobs in community (map pos) - npe when loading time zones - fixed pvp status for weapon skills on crit skills - geo checks for skills with CORPSE_CLAN target type - forced unsummon pets at events - reset of subsequent casts of skills from char during abortCast - npe 457 quest - partial problem of triggers - permanent key for use - registration for forts is like on Skryde - npe by DrakosGuardian - rework control for AI mobs system (enable/disable) - added support chance multisells for emudev - added check char heading in process of casting - added check targets limit for aura skills - fixed summons in aggrolist - add an alternative tutorial - fixed 383 quest - update rewards for oly quests like l2off - disabling ban system if IpBanTime = 0 - don't reset aggro from summon if owner is invise - fixed global problem with mobs debuffs - restore work balancer (need update multiproff for same correct work!) - int values of stats when shift-click players - correct operation of dagger skills in conjunction with ACP - processing of boosts and protection from valakas (with buffs of scrolls) - rework custom stats for reflections (tranfer to param settings) * example <add_parameters> <set name="showTimer" value="true" /> <set name="isTimerIncrease" value="true" /> <set name="timerText" value="test test" /> <set name="isHwidCheck" value="true" /> <set name="isSummonAllowed" value="true" /> <set name="isPvPInstance" value="true" /> <set name="isForPremium" value="true" /> <set name="isForNoble" value="true" /> <set name="isForHero" value="true" /> <set name="isHasCastle" value="true" /> <set name="isHasFort" value="true" /> <set name="minRebirth" value="1" /> <set name="hwidsLimit" value="1" /> <set name="ipsLimit" value="1" /> </add_parameters> - correct time output for the time skills mod - npe with geo coords check - AnomicFoundry fix check die mobs - correct check zones for totem items - fixed Vengeance skill via the debuff cancellation cube - change mp checks when using skills - fixed 118 quest rewards - logger update to log4ij2 - transition to Java 23 - updating database connector - fixed problem with load server witjhout geo - fixed bug of 100% overlay of third-party effects if cancel effect was present in skill - cancel of task for return buffs when changing sub - rework items log system - small changes at dp for skills (by report) - added a support for angle attack of skills - rb cancel has been redesigned to check possibility of removing buffs (if the skills do not have a block from cancel) - added configs for oly(check level class level & noble status) - changes to fix overbuff by number of slots - dynamic distance calculation when applying fear - rework orfen support -> to AI - fixed freeze problem with macro equip sets - added debug configs for geo (by request) - fixed problem with active/blackout siege icons at characters (like l2off) - range area skills was wrong calc distance (was not from target) - problem with slots when equip jewelry - encoding bypasses for tutorial separately - added somik interface support - tele tabs extension service in community - fixed for opening chests if the item is not stable (for mass open) - rework spawn for Crypts of Disgrace & mechanics like l2off - mammon changes - Christmas events changes for can add bypass id reward - added skills check support for reflection enter - added miss AI for LOA (like l2off)
  7. hello im trying to contact someone to buy a pack but i cant get in hold i try writing to lordwinter to skype but no reply.
  8. Update - version 2.0 Background changes: * Fixed the migration of all clan tables that were skipped * The parameter accelerating the transfer process is displayed (5k charms in 20 minutes) Обновление - версия 2.0 Основновые изменения: * Исправлен перенос все таблиц кланов, которые были пропущены * Выведен параметр ускоряющий процесс переноса (5к чаров за 20 минут)
  9. Уважаемый администратор, Я представляю телеграм-бот @L2Vote_bot – уникальный сервис для рейтинга серверов Lineage2. Наш бот позволяет игрокам голосовать за свой любимый сервер и получать за это награду. Мы предлагаем Вам сотрудничество с рядом преимуществ: 📱 Простой и удобный интерфейс для игроков и администраторов. ➕ Бесплатное добавление вашего проекта. ⚙️ Простота использования. 🔒 Работа через API (не просим доступ к вашей базе данных). 🎉 Акция для администраторов: Каждый месяц мы будем определять 5 победителей среди серверов, которые наберут больше всего голосов: 🥇 1 место – 100 USDT 🥈 2 место – 70 USDT 🥉 3 место – 30 USDT 🎖️ 4 место – 20 USDT 🎖️ 5 место – 10 USDT Акция стартует с официальным релизом нашего телеграм-бота – 1 июля и продлится до 1 августа. 🔧 Простая интеграция: Вы можете следовать инструкции по ссылке: 💬 Поддержка: Мы гарантируем качественную поддержку и быструю помощь при возникновении вопросов или проблем. Свяжитесь с нами через телеграм: @l2vote_support Будем рады сотрудничеству!
  10. Добрый день, есть ли в сборке включение кота который телепортирует в каты?
  11. Auto Database Merge v.1 | Автоматическое Слияние Баз Данных v.1 Java script for automatic database merging (first release) If you want to combine 2 servers into one without too much effort, then this script will do everything for you! For convenience, a specific list of configs has been made, if you do not need global migration. Separately or together, you can combine the basic data of accounts, players, clans and HWID data. In 2 hours of operation, the script can transfer 3700+ player datas. Automatically determines which version of the database is being migrated (HF5 or Salvation) Price 10000 ₽. Java скрипт автоматического слияния баз данных (первый релиз) Если вы хотите объединить 2 сервера в один без лишнего напряга, то этот скрипт все сделает за вас! Для удобства сделан определенный перечень конфигов, если вам не требуется глобальный перенос. Отдельно или вместе можно объединять основные данные аккаунтов, игроков, кланов и HWID данных. За 2 часа работы скрипт может перенести 3700+ данных игроков. Автоматически определяет какая версия базы данных переносится (HF5 или Salvation) Цена 10000р. Basic Settings | Основные настройки # Interface lang ru or en? # ---------------------------- # Язык интерфейса ru или en? AllowRuInterface = True # Database driver # ---------------------------- # Драйвер базы данных Driver = org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver # Login and password from Mysql # ---------------------------- # Логин и пароль от Mysql Login = root Password = # Maximum number of database connections # ---------------------------- # Максимальное количество соединений с базой данных DatabaseMaxConnects = 500 # Main database into which we will transfer data # ---------------------------- # Основая база в которую будем вливать данные URL1 = jdbc:mariadb://localhost/l2e?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC # Secondary database from which we will collect data # ---------------------------- # Второстепенная база из которой будем забирать данные URL2 = jdbc:mariadb://localhost/l2e-old?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC # Transfer clans and alliances? # ---------------------------- # Переносить кланы и альянсы? AllowTransferClans = True # Transfer data by accounts and HWID? # ---------------------------- # Переносить данные по аккаунтам и HWID? AllowTransferHwidAccountData = True # Transfer data by accounts? # To do this, both databases must have accounts tables # ---------------------------- # Переносить аккаунты? # Для этого в обеих базах должны быть таблицы аккаунтов AllowTransferAccounts = False # List of players that will be transferred to main database. If list is empty, then all players will be transferred! # ---------------------------- # Список игроков которые будут перенесены в основную базу данных. Если список пуст то будут перенесены все игроки! TransferPlayers = # Prefix for players with duplicate nicknames # ---------------------------- # Префикс для игроков с повторяющимися никами PrefixName = x15 # List of reward items for players with prefix that are transfering # ---------------------------- # Список выдающихся итемов чарам с префиксами, которые переносятся Rewards = 57,1000;4037,10
  12. - vampiric check maxhp from target after all calc - final changes with geo doors & test debug for moving check by geo - added clanMastery support - updating skills when enchant armors and weapons (without re-equip) - fixed display of buttons in the old format according to the report - new support for enchant (to lower enchant level) - check regen support for broadcat info - block restore effect for servitors (if owner at event) - check default client lang from client (if player not select lang and server valid) - minor changes with geo - added world chat - fixed triggers if char get reflect damage & char isInvul - fixed pk status if kill player with cursed weapon - added all skill list (thx Projact) - added item special abilities support bypasses : "show_ensoul_window", "show_extract_ensoul_window" - fixed update info when in item add att (update userinfo) - changes for instances support * added hwids limit support * added premium check support * added request items list support * added reward items list support - miss spawn for Carnamakos - special bypasses update by instances support too - fixed 311 quest by report - fixed NewbieGuide system by report - add alternative formula for calc debuffs - removed double check skills configs - rework community check combat state for bypasses - added drop info for custom items for campions - fixed augment skills for oly - some add checks for quests - add miss C grade coupons for all classes after 2th class change - fixed spawn coords by report - fixed Corpse Burst by report - added alchemy system support - fixed miss damage text (from inteface settings) - miss newbie helper buff - champions custom drop with penalty - external herbs support at Dragon Valley, Lair of Antharas & SOA (like l2off) - add time support for resurrect skills ("resurrectTime") - change bypass for class master clan lvl up (duplicates regular) - Academy Circlet added miss skill - add support Energy Abundance Effect at Dragon Valley (like l2off) - players can craft at combat status (like l2off) - some change Dragon Valley spawn - correct use items count by click - check all proff quests by reward - any work qirh quests by report - miss dialodue - added hide main IP support for proxy - fixed 60 quest (return adena for each available mark) - fixed clan entry (remove players from accept list & enter by clan sections) - fixed some toggles work (sometime removed with any effects) - fixed signet skills - fixed preview option at npc traders - fixed quest _171_ActsOfEvil (reward & drop npcs id) - in Sea of spores can use teleport (like l2off) - fixed get damage for area at skill Corpse Burst - fixed skill Fatal Counter (use shots) - added miss C coupons for Bounty Hunter (after change 2th class) - fixed invate party with same hwids (miss check party leader) - debuff immune fixed by report - added epic movies configs - fixed Experienced Adventurer's Treasure Sack (by report) - fixed baby pets for use skills - fixed hellbound kill mobs (by Holy Water) - fixed check conditions for party (bug with invite delay) - rework 275 quest - added miss beleth htmls - fixed pets packets info by report - blocked escape when char fishing - fixed skipping valakas movie (by config) - fixed augment info for any char - added char mails sorting - fish tournament enable stats - geoengine updated * improved calculations from failures * water check updated * doors check updated - Seraphim - Wild Magic stucks - duel status updated - add confirm dialogue to some services (by order) - block to use unlock or transform skills when char at silence - add config for auto combine talismans - small changes of geo loader - fix teleport to tent if tw is end - trade package small edits - removed additional checks on cb teleport - opening dialog when entering the game if char is sitting on an off-trade buffs - added miss pve params for phys skills - new gm commands - addded custom messages for zones (by order) - quests transfer to static reward by order - running mobs in DV and LOA binding to the geo square - Clan skills in CB fixed dialogue for last skill learn - Fixed pole auto attack for no-flagged from another flagged player - When selecting pet owner in tagret, and pressing attack button, pet must run to owner - Removed ability set pet names as well as nickname of player - fixed (If you pick up herb on hp or mana, will regenerate servant) - Clan res should not reset pets Mass Resurrection id 1254 (if owner dead) - cmd .party added ability to search for group topic (bypass <topic>) - fixed problems with jumping down geo - zone revalidation fixed when exit from game (for fan zones) - fixed freeze when client is crush during teleportation (if the char uses no-carrier) - fixed pets regen at community buff - Add param for effect TargetCancel (for aggro mobs block) - delete config TeleportWatchdogTimeout (not needed) - fixed htmls info by report (thx Rediska) - rework search targets for autofarm (for reduce load) - change recycling pools for autofarm - geo edits so that you can't go up when searching path (through textures) - fixed RestorationRandom when unpacking non-stackable items - fixed boost of stats from Olf's T-shirt with relogs - some edits to item skills - changes on moving for chars with a collapsed client with 0 fps - changes for autofarm with mage type - fixed errors for switching subclasses via ui - next cast block when changing sub - fixed display buffs through package (for skills that have several effects) - correct work for cancel (for skills that have several effects) - fixed problem with zaken water geo - fixed double effects with Hurricane (when enchant skill) - daily rewards add account,ip and hwids support - add custom support for items (can add request and reward items for click use) - fixed npe when checking night spawn - add ability to buy more premium time (not for online types of premium, only with same premium id) - fixes for sticking of the mage farm mode - added a support for viewing quests in which NPCs participate - added skills info for npcs via shift - rework REQUEST_ID (images were not uploaded in community under proxy login) - grouping premium accounts to extend time - added config for reconfiguring debuffs only in pve - added config for lvl diff block for epaulette drop - rework support InventoryUpdate for correct work (without ItemList use) - fixed localization parse by report - rework calculations effects time by java time (without game controller) - removed task for toggles - fixed AOE skills on sieges - fixed double listener at Kamaels - fixed pets when break cast to owner - processing casting speed calculations - fixed 10275 quest - fixed event Rabbits - added service for transfer att and elementals - rework castle sieges system - support for enable all world events from gm panel even if they are disabled - fixed npc type (for dialogue) - fixed spawn Dead Leopard's Carcass - add custom param for Pailaka - Devil's Legacy - 607 quest rework to static reward - added check for traders final - fixed double stats for elementas - fixed remove hate if char dead - fixed correct work attach char protection with no-carrier - blocklist rework support - fixed drop info for no-rate groups - fixed remove nobless from summons - added check for double spawn at rift - fixed pole attacks - added check for rename service (added check forbidden names) - change main class service (added support for remove sublass skills & restore books) - fixed spawn at Tanor Canyon - fixed skill Master Recharge - fixed wrong doors coords - fixed problem with aggro moobs after stun - added server side support for /next target (new packet) - some change formula for calculating debuffs time from resists - fixed aggro mobs after stun - fixed move calc with speed for follow attack (for range) - fixed friend update list (when remove friend) - fixed premium buff slots after relog - added custom oly points every day - added gm support for remove items from players (like ALT + G) - support enable/disable relations at fun zones - add custom support for multisells (check equip items) - emudev - old support remove - fixed AOE skills at fun zones - Steal Divinity - block use for npc and summons - Vagabond of the Ruins - added miss minions - change formula for blow skills - fixed some pet skills (not increase damage with ss) - edits of melee attacks if char is in root - change search for objects by region (priority for current region in which char is located) - final edit of aoe skill checks - fixed start 309 quest - some changes of AI guards - block getting exp for premium pets - fixed stats boost for buff crafter on servitor - fixed transfer of att bonus from owner to summon - new support for autofarm (block attack of champs or raids) - add support hwid & ip check for intances and rift - FOG chance to summon mobs after death is taken out in xml - added support random amount rewards for effect RestorationRandom - dragon vortex spawn fixed - trigger on hit param use on megic attacks only - fixed findparty invite buttons - add support to remove skins for visual mode - fix wards attack with summon - configs of rewards for losing on oly - grouping buffs in community by type so that you can use duplicates - Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery added miss params - quest Into the World fixed reward - rework bubble skills - rework AGGREMOVE skills (like l2off) - added support for load npcinctance types from scripts - fixed work skill 902 & 39 - added alchemy support for pledge missions - added att black list support for items - final changes for unaggro skills - some item skills fixed - fixed summon skills attack (check pvp status for some skills) - HaProxy v2 support - add teleport support for minions if they are taken away from owner - fixed errors at donate mod (there was an error when cleanup att) - improved water by geo - improved check for spawn by NSWE (now checks by radius) - new mode for autofarm (support mod) - added miss abnormalTypes - added miss packet for clan invite (at GOD clan window) - fixed donate of exchanger by att - fixed images in community - fixed updates of char status when joining the clan during sieges - fame block if char in observe mode - new configs by order - Alchemy added new option by order - fixed problem with stuck at farm (in walls) - added visuality npc spawn zones - inventory checks for holy pomanders - miss checks 138 quest to take - fixed double SA in inventory at up in 350 quest - rework checks for taking 142 & 143 quests (more correctly) - added new shift click - added displaying spawn zones (for GM) - improvement bouble skills - fixed problem with stuck at farm (in walls) - fixed correct info at whoim for crit stats - full respawn primeval island (new zones) - fixed problem with summons on oly (stuck before start fight) - prohibiting attack doors and crystals to chars not registered for siege - skill 1324 block for updating reuse when change sub - checks on weapons transferfrom kamaels (it is impossible not cast skill carried) - added mail confi by request - fixed 776 skill on debuff use - fixed correct missions info count - added some support for missions by order - fixed zone spawns in instances - zone announcements have been converted to localization - itemsonground support removed - added herbs spawn support in heine - rework items auto destroy support - correction clan support to xml - added block of paralysis on RB - fixed penalty cancel by scrolls under siege - added Clan Advent support - fixed clan packets - fixed RequestMultiSellChoose (double items print) - fix buffImmune - rework bindings for ip and hwid (now only binding to account!) - fixed visual bug with a flag on the ctf event - 7 raids added param for delay in xml - cfg reworked & new options - fixed ban system - added config for change SOA zones - fixed 5170 skill by report - added new configs for pre stage & stages parse options - add new cmb //bch (for ban chat) && fixed moderator options (without isGM param) - fixed enchant skills by immortal scrolls - added function with donate windows service - overload checks for services - processing of certification - added new configs and removed unused - small reworking of the launch of events - dragon vortex rework script - rework doors check support for open/close status - added more check for quests (block use cheat programs) - rework siege skills Cannon Fodder & Big Bang like l2off - fixed double attack without weapon if char have shield - database queries optimization - rework blow skills for normal calculation - added new parameter for skills that cancels them when exiting instances - added parameters for events - htmls encoding - check mp for use skills by default mpConsume - remove old custom rates support - fixed problem with die status at chars - added check for private store item list clean (if change store from packet sell to private store sell) - added miss skills for Swoop Cannon - visualme rework support (need update script) - final skills checks at transformaion (if muliproff enabled) - fix lethal block for instance kama raids - fix use mass skills for pets without ctrl - added R grade enchant support (need check xml items for correct grade) - added life time for champions - fixed missions for quests complete check - regroup all char tasks to one pool (optimization) - added core part of new mode "donate rates" - added support for Giant enchant scrolls - fixed champs by time limit - added some GOD armor sets support - fixed all enchant items support (last change R grade support) - cleanup datapack (old HF items) - added lethal immune for all kama mobs - Antharas npe - _510_AClansReputation fixed bonus reward - autofarm edits - limit on windows per ips, but block hwid service if ip support enabled - premium items for custom task + fixes previous support - edits on info champions drop - new configs on request - auto farm fixes - edits to auto-spoil checks - fixes char tasks final - added checks for change sub through client - vote rewards new options (by order) - time items block add to recovery system - fixed vitality info at party windows - fix dupe with sellbuffs - rework checks for auto-spoil during overload - exclusion of siege checks if player at events - fix completion of quests for tasks by deleting them - fixes for party info packages - parameters for chance and additional damage when physical skills are crit * pCritRate * pCritPower - fix enchanting - fixed arrow checks for crossbows - block target Sandstorm for autofarm - delete config for dividing regions by height (grouping into a common format) - cut out abnormals from champions - transferdisplay simply from package - encoding bypasses (single/multiple use) - flood control of summon packages - added jump support - example agathion support (+ auto summon first agathion like GOD support) - added magic evasion & accuracy ("mEvas" "accMagic") - example support party buffs - double up SA block (by quest) - fixed 453 quest - added miss 454 quest - Rework Skills - moving to jdk21 - simplification support in processing config parameters - a small reworking of the admin configs and removed the pool configs from playful hands! - LastFolkNpc parameter added NPC visibility check - if char is out or has been detected at event -> it removed from event and blocked receiving reward for participation - added block of auto-res at events (for example, from Salvation skill) - added "pCritDef" parameter - added effect from brooch for shorts - update shorts in database if they over or exit char from game (for reduce requests for mysql) - block of reflection buffs for pets (save to restore list) - bonus from soulshots (miss calc) - support for triggers for world events - added event Beer Festival - new config AltGameItemLearnCosts by order - rework some epics AI - SP change format to long (like GOD) - npe view of oly fights - editing alchemy to fail items - new Untargetable effect - added remove skills support - some rework items auto destroy system - community images fixed for proxy (only for salvation client) - fixed use cp hp mp potions when use boouble skills - fixed restore effects when use steal effects - rewards support - check out Cancel (for restore effects) - problems with auto-ress at farm (need delay) - checking aura skills range on autofarm - checks use skills for checking hp or mp in % (for autofarm) - update fly skills support * added support for calc new types like (WARP_BACK, WARP_FORWARD,PUSH_HORIZONTAL,PUSH_DOWN_HORIZONTAL) - update maria db connector - Rift rework - added votereward support - fixed chnange name pets - small fix for CrystalCaven instance - update skills (thx gpz) - added new effect AbsorbDamage for skills - added support get skills when capturing or buying clanhalls (analogous to forts or castles) - fix code for auto-get skills (caused small friezes for char) - updating the operation of all types of autopfarm (still in operation) - fixed block use of community in fan zones - fishing fix - added config for Baium spawn delay - added config for Beleth get ring by drop from raid - params for AI mob chances - rework teleport system at NPCd (connection of some scripts) - effect of the admin's invul was taken out in xml upon request - fix bug after updating fly skills system - expansion flood control - added support for tarro cards - encode pass for login fix - reflections hwids check support - some changes for SmartGuard support - sheed buff zone must be enable by default - rework support for processing instance reuse - rework recovery items from duplicates in database - added support for reloading scripts from dp - processing of zone checks (included/disabled) - correct relation update for characters when zones and sieges are enabled - AltOlyWeeklyPeriod change to crone format - BlockAbsorbInPvP param transter from HF - added miss dual daggers check - added miss bonus for R grade type weapon - added miss SOA airship controller support - fixed community buffer for level checks for correct work - processing of certification so that there is no dupe for additional skills (if remove certification by npc) - fix errors when extending premium - complete checks for community buffer - processing checks for skills valid from visual skins when equip/unequip items - Brakel spawn by default - extending NoGeo zone settings so that PathFind can be checked or not - separating scripts from core (Hitman now have no core support) - added config for Pole by order - 236 quest correct work - block for removing or crystallizing event items - completion of penalty for new grades - parameter for proxy to regulate acessLevels - shift click with preview items - fixed check new item grades at fun zones - Freya ai update (was non-stop clear debuffs) - added support for luc и cha params - added 110 levels support limit - fixed use schemes by voice fun zones - processing of StatusUpdate requests - new support for effect ResetEffectTime & skills - added rates taliks for forts - broadcast for packets rework - auctions support rework to clanId (npe when changing clan name) - fixed buffs stack problem with relogs - Auto update hide players when GM options are turned on/off - fixed Rainbow Springs siege - added transfer special abilities in multisells - CHA & LUC enable by config - maddness support some rework for raids - Antharas & Valakas maddness check by epic zones - full rework clanhalls system support - fixed problems with client crits when use bouble skills at doors - Ertheia race support (by order) - edits for enchanting - parse skills from the .dat info (description & names) - small changes at server packets - conversion with save augment - fixed correct work augment filter for passive and chances skills - updating cp hp mp potions in database upon their completion in inventory (to reduce load) - updating buffs in the database in one request (to reduce load)
  13. - added HaProxy v2 support - add teleport support for minions if they are taken away from owner - fixed errors at donate mod (there was an error when cleanup att) - improved water by geo - improved check for spawn by NSWE (now checks by radius) - added miss abnormalTypes - fixed donate of exchanger by att - fixed updates of char status when joining the clan during sieges - fame block if char in observe mode - fixed npe on reports - inventory checks for holy pomanders - miss checks 138 quest to take - fixed double SA in inventory at up in 350 quest - rework checks for taking 142 & 143 quests (more correctly) - added new shift click - added displaying spawn zones (for GM) - improvement bouble skills - fixed problem with stuck at farm (in walls) - fixed correct info at whoim for crit stats - full respawn primeval island (new zones) - fixed problem with summons on oly (stuck before start fight) - prohibiting attack doors and crystals to chars not registered for siege - skill 1324 block for updating reuse when change sub - checks on weapons transferfrom kamaels (it is impossible not cast skill carried) - added mail config by request - fixed 776 skill on debuff use - cleaning of unused code - small works on moving & geo - fixed zone spawns in instances - html mistakes - zone announcements have been converted to localization - itemsonground support removed - added herbs spawn support in heine - rework items auto destroy support - expansion of clan parameters in xml - fix cancel penalty at siege if use scrolls - Petrification cannot be imposed on raids - fix buffImmune - rework bindings for ip and hwid (now only binding to account!) - fixed visual bug with a flag on the ctf event - 7 raids added param for delay in xml - cfg reworked & new options - fixed ban system - added config for change SOA zones - fixed 5170 skill by report - added new configs for pre stage & stages parse options - add new cmb //bch (for ban chat) && fixed moderator options (without isGM param) - added function with donate windows service - overload checks for services - processing of certification - added new configs and removed unused - small reworking of the launch of events - dragon vortex rework script - rework doors check support for open/close status - optimization of database queries - added more check for quests (block use cheat programs) - rework siege skills Cannon Fodder & Big Bang like l2off - database queries optimization - rework blow skills for normal calculation - added new parameter for skills that cancels them when exiting instances - added parameters for events - htmls encoding - check mp for use skills by default mpConsume - remove old custom rates support - fixed problem with die status at chars - added check for private store item list clean (if change store from packet sell to private store sell) - added miss skills for Swoop Cannon - visualme rework support (need update script) - final skills checks at transformaion (if muliproff enabled) - fix lethal block for instance kama raids - fix use mass skills for pets without ctrl - added life time for champions - regroup all char tasks to one pool (optimization) - added core part of new mode "donate rates" - _510_AClansReputation fixed bonus reward - limit on windows per ips, but block hwid service if ip support enabled - premium items for custom task + fixes previous support - edits on info champions drop - new configs on request - vote rewards new options (by order) - time items block add to recovery system - fix dupe with sellbuffs - rework checks for auto-spoil during overload - exclusion of siege checks if player at events - fixed arrow checks for crossbows - block target Sandstorm for autofarm - delete config for dividing regions by height (grouping into a common format) - cut out abnormals from champions - transferdisplay simply from package - encoding bypasses (single/multiple use) - fixed 453 quest - added miss 454 quest - moving to jdk21 - complete party toggle buffs - a small reworking of the admin configs and removed the pool configs from playful hands! - LastFolkNpc parameter added NPC visibility check - if char is out or has been detected at event -> it removed from event and blocked receiving reward for participation - added block of auto-res at events (for example, from Salvation skill) - update shorts in database if they over or exit char from game (for reduce requests for mysql) - block of reflection buffs for pets (save to restore list) - bonus from soulshots (miss calc) - new config AltGameItemLearnCosts by order - rework some epics AI - some rework items auto destroy system - fixed return effecs after steal buffs - fixed use cp hp mp potions when use boouble skills - check out Cancel (for restore effects) - problems with auto-ress at farm (need delay) - checking aura skills range on autofarm - checks use skills for checking hp or mp in % (for autofarm) - rewards support - vote rewards support - update maria db connector - Rift rework - small fix for CrystalCaven instance - disable farm if char crit from game - support for reset item skills (taking into account reset block for certain skills and items) - annonce's fix for random spawnlist - added support get skills when capturing or buying clanhalls (analogous to forts or castles) - fix code for auto-get skills (caused small friezes for char) - updating the operation of all types of autopfarm (still in operation) - fixed block use of community in fan zones - fishing fix - fix for restoring exp at events - added support by enchanting (you can do ap by more than +1) - added support by random enchanting in multisells - small changes for oly on issue of hero points - new param "raidDamage" for raid damage bonus - added config for Baium spawn delay - added config for Beleth get ring by drop from raid - expansion flood control - added configs for oly (by order) - reflections hwids check support - added new target type "CORPSE_FRIENDLY" - rework teleport system at NPCs (connection of some scripts) - sheed buff zone must be enable by default - rework support for processing instance reuse - rework recovery items from duplicates in database - added support for reloading scripts from dp - processing of zone checks (included/disabled) - correct relation update for characters when zones and sieges are enabled - AltOlyWeeklyPeriod change to crone format - added miss SOA airship controller support - fixed community buffer for level checks for correct work - processing of certification so that there is no dupe for additional skills (if remove certification by npc) - fix errors when extending premium - implementation Olympiad training fights system - complete checks for community buffer - processing checks for skills valid from visual skins when equip/unequip items - Brakel spawn by default - added check conditions for miss dual daggers - extending NoGeo zone settings so that PathFind can be checked or not - separating scripts from core (Hitman now have no core support) - added config for Pole by order - 236 quest correct work - block for removing or crystallizing event items - parameter for proxy to regulate acessLevels - Freya ai update (was non-stop clear debuffs) - fixed use schemes by voice fun zones - processing of StatusUpdate requests - added rates taliks for forts - broadcast for packets rework - auctions support rework to clanId (npe when changing clan name) - fixed buffs stack problem with relogs - Auto update hide players when GM options are turned on/off - fixed Rainbow Springs siege - maddness support some rework for raids - Antharas & Valakas maddness check by epic zones - full rework clanhalls system support (now have xml support) - fixed problems with client crits when use bouble skills at doors - auto enchant att (like ctrl item) - small changes at server packets - conversion with save augment - fixed correct work augment filter for passive and chances skills - updating cp hp mp potions in database upon their completion in inventory (to reduce load) - updating buffs in the database in one request (to reduce load) - add emudev shift click support - add emudev daily missions support - add emudev vip support - add emudev auto farm - add emudev buttons design (replace standart buttons auto)
  14. \game\config\main\npc.ini
  15. Возможно ли включить в сборке агро + лвл мобов ( что бы показывало)
  16. \game\data\stats\chars\initialEquipment.xml
  17. 1 пункт нашел, ищу информацию по второму.
  18. 1- Подскажите пожалуйста возможно ли в конфигах отключить вес предметов всех? 2- Как сделать так что бы при создание персонажа давался определенный предмет в инвентарь. Может это где то есть в кофигах но я что то не нашел..
  19. я использую этот VirusTotal 273 протокол если есть оригинал с не убитым гг скинь сюда HF5 Rev 273 LANG EU
  20. Доброго времени суток, думаю такой раздел нужен, или может у кого то есть самый настоящий чистый патч High-Five с убитыми гг и всем остальным. Без каких либо изменений вообще! Если есть ссылка у кого то ссылка скиньте пожалуйста в этот раздел
  21. Пользуюсь услугами данного человека, всем советую! Делает все быстро и качественно.
  22. Собственно некоторые меня уже знают, примерно с 2018 года работаю в L2Up Так как здесь сидят часто новички, буду писать для них подробно и простыми словами Ниже приведу не большой список из того чем занимаюсь: Работа с ДП/Web: Установка сайта/форума: StressWeb/IPB/Xenforo/Mmoweb/GHTWEB/SphereWeb и других веб обвязок Проекты и сборки под ключ от х1 до х100'000 с дополнениями (Сделаем за вас всю работу и сопроводим на всех этапах от Открытия до Переоткрытия сервера) Установка сборки и нужного софта на Windows/Linux системы Любые работы с Датапаком (Редактирование сборки под ваши хотелки ) Услуги администрирования вашего проекта Услуги сапорта: Помогает вам следить за соц.сетями и форумом (будет заниматься человек с команды) Устранение багов/недоработок и прочего Апдейтеры для вашего сервера Оптимизация Оборудования и сборки под открытия, настройка безопасности (сервер-веб) Работа по клиент части. (Изменить Splash Screen,Loading Screen,создать пак с иконками для вашего сервера и т.д) Установке любого (NPC, Weapon, Armor, Тату, Крылья, Шлема и т.д) Услуги рекламы: Добавление на анонсы (L2oops / L2op / L2pick / l2hop) дешевле чем на прямую ! Оживление форума sms рассылки на номера донатеров Спам по форумам конкурентов Спам в игре у конкурентов (обход блокировок) Реклама в телеграм (В самых крупных телеграм пабликах с тематикой Lineage2) Создание беседок ВК (1000+ игроков) Cпам рассылки вк Если вы не нашли то что вам нужно, возможно я просто забыл написать об этом, по этому пишите мне по контактам ниже: telegram:
  23. Спасибо... Вчера нашел это.. Где добавлять минимум и максимум заточки? Чтоб не больше +15 например было
  24. general.ini # Показывать "data/html/servnews.htm" когда персонаж заходит в игру? # По умолчанию: False ShowServerNews = False
  25. Всем привет. Нужна помощь по окну. При создании нового чара, выбивает окно с инфой. Где редактировать его, я нашел, а отключение не могу найти.
  26. Starting today, both branches of the emulator are switching to support Java version 21! Dear customers, be careful when updating! A link to the current jdk version is attached below in topic! Начиная с сегодняшнего дня обе ветки эмулятора переходят на поддержку 21 Java версии! Уважаемые клиенты, при обновлении будьте внимательны! Ссылка на актуальную jdk версию прилагается ниже в теме! Download JDK 21.0.2
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