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Revision 1935

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- Add miss spawn for Tully floor 3
- Some change spawn system support (now can add several npcId in one territory)
- Cleanup unused tables
- Signet effects correct working!
- Event hitman - advanced settings (several orders support)
- Add raidpoints info to ranking & fix errors by reports
- Fix problem with freya check quest for all players in instance
- Add miss ConsumeBody effect in skills
- Add support auto reloads scripts by admin cmd
- Correct faction check for DragonGuards AI
- Rework to new pvp rewards system and for capture and defence rewards too
- Add game points settings by admin panel
- Some change zone range spawn -> to check z coords by GEO
- Add item use lock
- Fix offline trade for PACKAGE SELL type
- Change spawn by debug (fixed all bugget spawn points)
- Ability to set the buff time for community buffs (separately)
- Integration of the VIP service
- New LOA spawn with banned zones support (direct by LordWinter)
- Fix correct check PC points at multisell
- Fix skills with SIGNET_CASTTIME types (dont attack peace players)
- Correct chances for Wondrous Cubic skill
- Add xml support for Crystal Scrolls
- Add param for oly check hwid
- Support for territory spawn info to npcs (admin shift + click)
- Community close after tp to raid
- Add support for restore effects with custom time
- Add check for community add tp (block at epic raid zones and other some)
- Custom effect time for summons too
- Some changes for SignetMDam effects
- Add custom configs for augment items
- Rework all world events support (now all params in xml)
- Add config for community heal (to enable cmd outside peace zones)
- Fix correct check oly config to week period
- Add config to enable new oly period by admin cmd
- Add cmd to reload all events params
- Rework crit formula for blow skills
- Fix check restore summons after relog
- Add miss minions for DragonKnights in LOA (+ rework ai)
- Group spawn zones for dragon valley
- Add configs for base stats reset if protection run
- Reconfiguration of configs (and transfer old scripts to dp)
- Change calc rnd npc position at spawn zones (definition z point)
- Full rework minions support
- New ai for QueenAntNurse
- Check geo by teleports
- Rework collision checks
- Correct crit rate for all npcs
- Fix problem with pets name (was auto create default name)
- Mobs attack pet if pet attacker. (not pets owner!)
- Fix bypass for blacksmith in aden
- Some changes for doors packets (changing for frintezza)
- Servitors auto use herbs with owner
- Resurrection like l2off for sieges
- Known objects change distance if a lot of objects
- New configs for sieges
- Add check for mass resurrections at sieges
- Transfer of spawn chests for noobless from quest to bosses
- Restore buffs after finish DUEL
- Block Achievement voice cmd if event disable
- Heal and buffs cant use for combat chars (without ctrl)
- Block actions for aggro skills only for lockTarget
- Rework quest for noobless
- Update aggro skills
- sysmsg 287 print when player start cast to artefact
- Block save points in community at siege zones
- Fix problem shift click mobs if mob have no spawn loc
- Correct check area skills if char in duel
- Debuffs cant use for party or clan with ctrl
- Trigger skills cant to cancel
- Some change mechanism to remove visible objects
- ConsumeBody can used only for dead mobs
- Realization PcBangPoint effect for auto get poins from respective items
- Add support for custom summon friend skills
- Invincible effect block all heal mpHeal and cpHeal effects
- Cancel cant use for party players
- Add some check for group heal skills
- Vengeance not add icon for targets
- Toggle skills cant steals
- If char use mass resurrect not need select target
- Add param for vitality from raids 
- Next changes for aura skills and aggro
- Fix bypass for quest _227_TestOfTheReformer
- Rework quest _229_TestOfWitchcraft
- Add logs viewer system
- Cleance remove anchor and triggers stoped!
- Correct restore buffs time after steal
- Add config for attributte pvp items
- Final changes for area skills check
- Steal divinity used only for flaget targets
- Additional configs for teleports in the community
- Rework quest _233_TestOfWarspirit
- Fixed problem of quests for 3 professions
- Additional parameters for skills in skill reflected(not all skills can be reflected)
- Expanded functions of fun pvp zones
- Support for enchant items in multisells
- Check for itemId 21726 (if event disable cnat use)
- Add support for augmentations and attributtes for multisell ingredients
- Add miss buylist
- Macroses transfer in xml support
- Fixed walking mobs
- Add +5 Knoriks in LOA
- Add new AI for Gordon
- Add new params for zaken instances (burn candle delay)
- Some change formulas for debuffs
- Fix to correct attack range if char in transform
- Can summon pet if pet feed 0
- Some change in quest _246_PossessorOfAPreciousSoul_3
- Fix totems conditions
- Vortex skills are not debuffs
- Fix problem with autoloot herbs (for mage classes)
- Add calc LethalHit for skills with type "AGGDAMAGE"
- Rework quest _220_TestimonyOfGlory by report
- Add check to block tp by tw chars with flag
- Charm of Courage correct working
- Drop conditions for 219_TestimonyOfFate quest
- Correct zone spawn for raid Fenril Hound Freki
- Getting started with move controller (eliminate gaps under geo)
- Add new zone type (without check geo at this zones)
- Reflect skills final changes
- Check rewards for first proff quests
- Fix castle quests for conferment territory
- Advanced setting for pcBang points system (for premium players)
- Fix multisell info for fame ingredient
- Kamaloka bosses block lethal attacks
- Community augments now use standart checks for crystalType and other
- Fix route for gracia airship
- Some changes for summons ai
- Servitor Share rework effect
- Pride of Kamael fixed add stats
- Check null errors for fake players
- Separate pool manager for fakes
- Check summon attack at oly wait by owner

List of quests adapted to the new statistical rating system
  * _183_RelicExploration
  * _184_NikolasCooperationContract
  * _185_NikolasCooperationConsideration
  * _186_ContractExecution
  * _187_NikolasHeart
  * _188_SealRemoval
  * _189_ContractCompletion
  * _190_LostDream
  * _191_VainConclusion
  * _252_ItSmellsDelicious
  * _311_ExpulsionOfEvilSpirits
  * _403_PathToRogue


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