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Revision 2584

1 post in this topic

- added HaProxy v2 support
- add teleport support for minions if they are taken away from owner
- fixed errors at donate mod (there was an error when cleanup att)
- improved water by geo
- improved check for spawn by NSWE (now checks by radius)
- added miss abnormalTypes
- fixed donate of exchanger by att
- fixed updates of char status when joining the clan during sieges
- fame block if char in observe mode
- fixed npe on reports
- inventory checks for holy pomanders
- miss checks 138 quest to take
- fixed double SA in inventory at up in 350 quest
- rework checks for taking 142 & 143 quests (more correctly)
- added new shift click
- added displaying spawn zones (for GM)
- improvement bouble skills
- fixed problem with stuck at farm (in walls)
- fixed correct info at whoim for crit stats
- full respawn primeval island (new zones)
- fixed problem with summons on oly (stuck before start fight)
- prohibiting attack doors and crystals to chars not registered for siege
- skill 1324 block for updating reuse when change sub
- checks on weapons transferfrom kamaels (it is impossible not cast skill carried)
- added mail config by request
- fixed 776 skill on debuff use
- cleaning of unused code
- small works on moving & geo
- fixed zone spawns in instances
- html mistakes
- zone announcements have been converted to localization
- itemsonground support removed
- added herbs spawn support in heine
- rework items auto destroy support
- expansion of clan parameters in xml
- fix cancel penalty at siege if use scrolls
- Petrification cannot be imposed on raids
- fix buffImmune
- rework bindings for ip and hwid (now only binding to account!)
- fixed visual bug with a flag on the ctf event
- 7 raids added param for delay in xml
- cfg reworked & new options
- fixed ban system
- added config for change SOA zones
- fixed 5170 skill by report
- added new configs for pre stage & stages parse options
- add new cmb //bch (for ban chat) && fixed moderator options (without isGM param)
- added function with donate windows service
- overload checks for services
- processing of certification
- added new configs and removed unused
- small reworking of the launch of events
- dragon vortex rework script
- rework doors check support for open/close status
- optimization of database queries
- added more check for quests (block use cheat programs)
- rework siege skills Cannon Fodder & Big Bang like l2off
- database queries optimization
- rework blow skills for normal calculation
- added new parameter for skills that cancels them when exiting instances
- added parameters for events
- htmls encoding
- check mp for use skills by default mpConsume
- remove old custom rates support
- fixed problem with die status at chars
- added check for private store item list clean (if change store from packet sell to private store sell)
- added miss skills for Swoop Cannon
- visualme rework support (need update script)
- final skills checks at transformaion (if muliproff enabled)
- fix lethal block for instance kama raids
- fix use mass skills for pets without ctrl
- added life time for champions
- regroup all char tasks to one pool (optimization)
- added core part of new mode "donate rates"
- _510_AClansReputation fixed bonus reward
- limit on windows per ips, but block hwid service if ip support enabled
- premium items for custom task + fixes previous support
- edits on info champions drop
- new configs on request
- vote rewards new options (by order)
- time items block add to recovery system
- fix dupe with sellbuffs
- rework checks for auto-spoil during overload
- exclusion of siege checks if player at events
- fixed arrow checks for crossbows
- block target Sandstorm for autofarm
- delete config for dividing regions by height (grouping into a common format)
- cut out abnormals from champions - transferdisplay simply from package
- encoding bypasses (single/multiple use)
- fixed 453 quest
- added miss 454 quest
- moving to jdk21
- complete party toggle buffs
- a small reworking of the admin configs and removed the pool configs from playful hands!
- LastFolkNpc parameter added NPC visibility check
- if char is out or has been detected at event -> it removed from event and blocked receiving reward for participation
- added block of auto-res at events (for example, from Salvation skill)
- update shorts in database if they over or exit char from game (for reduce requests for mysql)
- block of reflection buffs for pets (save to restore list)
- bonus from soulshots (miss calc)
- new config AltGameItemLearnCosts by order
- rework some epics AI
- some rework items auto destroy system
- fixed return effecs after steal buffs
- fixed use cp hp mp potions when use boouble skills
- check out Cancel (for restore effects)
- problems with auto-ress at farm (need delay)
- checking aura skills range on autofarm
- checks use skills for checking hp or mp in % (for autofarm)
- rewards support
- vote rewards support
- update maria db connector
- Rift rework
- small fix for CrystalCaven instance
- disable farm if char crit from game
- support for reset item skills (taking into account reset block for certain skills and items)
- annonce's fix for random spawnlist
- added support get skills when capturing or buying clanhalls (analogous to forts or castles)
- fix code for auto-get skills (caused small friezes for char)
- updating the operation of all types of autopfarm (still in operation)
- fixed block use of community in fan zones
- fishing fix
- fix for restoring exp at events
- added support by enchanting (you can do ap by more than +1)
- added support by random enchanting in multisells
- small changes for oly on issue of hero points
- new param "raidDamage" for raid damage bonus
- added config for Baium spawn delay
- added config for Beleth get ring by drop from raid
- expansion flood control
- added configs for oly (by order)
- reflections hwids check support
- added new target type "CORPSE_FRIENDLY"
- rework teleport system at NPCs (connection of some scripts)
- sheed buff zone must be enable by default
- rework support for processing instance reuse
- rework recovery items from duplicates in database
- added support for reloading scripts from dp
- processing of zone checks (included/disabled)
- correct relation update for characters when zones and sieges are enabled
- AltOlyWeeklyPeriod change to crone format
- added miss SOA airship controller support
- fixed community buffer for level checks for correct work
- processing of certification so that there is no dupe for additional skills (if remove certification by npc)
- fix errors when extending premium
- implementation Olympiad training fights system
- complete checks for community buffer
- processing checks for skills valid from visual skins when equip/unequip items
- Brakel spawn by default
- added check conditions for miss dual daggers
- extending NoGeo zone settings so that PathFind can be checked or not
- separating scripts from core (Hitman now have no core support)
- added config for Pole by order
- 236 quest correct work
- block for removing or crystallizing event items
- parameter for proxy to regulate acessLevels
- Freya ai update (was non-stop clear debuffs)
- fixed use schemes by voice fun zones
- processing of StatusUpdate requests
- added rates taliks for forts
- broadcast for packets rework
- auctions support rework to clanId (npe when changing clan name)
- fixed buffs stack problem with relogs
- Auto update hide players when GM options are turned on/off
- fixed Rainbow Springs siege
- maddness support some rework for raids
- Antharas & Valakas maddness check by epic zones
- full rework clanhalls system support (now have xml support)
- fixed problems with client crits when use bouble skills at doors
- auto enchant att (like ctrl item)
- small changes at server packets
- conversion with save augment
- fixed correct work augment filter for passive and chances skills
- updating cp hp mp potions in database upon their completion in inventory (to reduce load)
- updating buffs in the database in one request (to reduce load)
- add emudev shift click support
- add emudev daily missions support
- add emudev vip support
- add emudev auto farm
- add emudev buttons design (replace standart buttons auto)


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