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Revision 2521

1 post in this topic

- Vampiric check maxhp from target after all calc
- Fixed geo doors by report
- Add itemHandler "Nobless" by request
- Auto check default lang from client (if server valid this lang)
- Block restore buffs for servitors at events
- Added support for block transfroms at fun zones
- Typo changes with char regens (fixed dublicate send packets)
- Fixed triggers if char get reflect damage & char isInvul
- Fixed pk status if kill player with cursed weapon
- Effect invisible with param for healblock (by request)
- Fixed work bonusExp & bonusSp
- Small changes with disconnect system delay
- Block community if char in Petrification status
- Fixed special bypasses for beleth enter
- Start checking quests to block bypass substitution
- Department of objects storage
- Removed range restriction at valakas movie
- Add switch config for show raids at community  by ids
- Sub triggers add to owner servitor too
- Quests 137-143 rework to static system
- Corpse Life Drain can use to servitors (like l2off)
- Fixed drop protection when char relog
- Fixed Dark Cloud Mansion (unlimit spawns)
- Fixed feeding golems at CrystalCaverns
- Community buffer buttons (at scheme by request)
- Epic bosses status (with sleep status)
- Fixed epic announce
- Improve of epic statistics
- Changes for instances support
   * added hwids limit support
   * added premium check support
   * added request items list support
   * added reward items list support
- Miss spawn for Carnamakos
- Special bypasses update by instances support too
- Fixed 311 quest by report
- Fixed NewbieGuide system by report
- Vip points diff support
- Custom rewards support like by ID
- Fixed use shots if hittime not standart
- Removed double check skills configs
- Rework community check combat state for bypasses
- Added max level for players
- Added drop info for custom items for campions
- Fixed augment skills for oly
- Some add checks for quests
- Add miss C grade coupons for all classes after 2th class change
- Fixed spawn coords by report
- Fixed Corpse Burst by report
- Fixed correct print champion chances drop
- Champions custom drop with penalty calc
- External herbs support at Dragon Valley, Lair of Antharas & SOA (like l2off)
- Add time support for resurrect skills ("resurrectTime")
- Change bypass for class master clan lvl up (duplicates regular)
- Academy Circlet added miss skill
- Add support Energy Abundance Effect at Dragon Valley (like l2off)
- Players can craft at combat status (like l2off)
- Some change Dragon Valley spawn
- Correct use items count by click
- Fixed bypassed by report
- Check all proff quests by reward
- Any work qirh quests by report
- Miss dialodue
- Added hide main IP support for proxy
- Fixed 60 quest (return adena for each available mark)
- Fixed some toggles work (sometime removed with any effects)
- Fixed quest _171_ActsOfEvil (reward & drop npcs id)
- In Sea of spores can use teleport (like l2off)
- Fixed get damage for area at skill Corpse Burst
- Fixed skill Fatal Counter (use shots)
- Added miss C coupons for Bounty Hunter (after change 2th class)
- Fixed invate party with same hwids (miss check party leader)
- Debuff immune fixed by report
- Added epic movies configs
- Fixed Experienced Adventurer's Treasure Sack (by report)
- Fixed baby pets for use skills
- Fixed hellbound kill mobs (by Holy Water)
- Miss check transformation conditions
- Geoengine updated
   * improved calculations from failures
   * water check updated
   * doors check updated
- Some fixes by reports
- Fixed check conditions for party (bug with invite delay)
- Rework 275 quest
- Added miss beleth htmls
- Added group chance modifier for premium account
- Added custom support for rnd min max amount items per group
- Npc html (clipping line breaks)
- Added custom targets by order
- Added drop info for groups (by list without pages) by order
- Fixed effects time at dual by report
- Fixed check doors for pets by report
- Add confirm dialogue to some services (by order)
- Block to use unlock or transform skills when char at silence
- Add config for auto combine talismans
- Fix teleport to tent if tw is end
- Trade package small edits
- Removed additional checks on cb teleport
- Opening dialog when entering the game if char is sitting on an off-trade buffs
- Added miss pve params for phys skills
- New gm commands
- Added custom messages for zones (by order)
- Dimensional rift (fix double spawn)
- Added effect CallClan (by order)
- Quests transfer to static reward by order (270,278,289,309)
- Running mobs in DV and LOA binding to the geo square
- Clan skills in CB fixed dialogue for last skill learn
- Fixed pole auto attack for no-flagged from another flagged player
- When selecting pet owner in tagret, and pressing attack button, pet must run to owner
- Removed ability set pet names as well as nickname of player
- Fixed (If you pick up herb on hp or mana, will regenerate servant)
- Clan res should not reset pets Mass Resurrection id 1254 (if owner dead)
- cmd .party added ability to search for group topic (bypass <topic>)
- In .cfg, time for no-carrier is fixed by config limit
- Zone revalidation fixed when exit from game (for fan zones)
- Fixed freeze when client is crush during teleportation (if the char uses no-carrier)
- Fixed pets regen at community buff
- Add param for effect TargetCancel (for aggro mobs block)
- Delete config TeleportWatchdogTimeout (not needed)
- Rework search targets for autofarm (for reduce load)
- Change recycling pools for autofarm
- Geo edits so that you can't go up when searching path (through textures)
- Fixed RestorationRandom when unpacking non-stackable items
- Fixed boost of stats from Olf's T-shirt with relogs
- Changes on moving for chars with a collapsed client with 0 fps
- Next cast block when changing sub
- Correct work for cancel (for skills that have several effects)
- Fixed double effects with Hurricane (when enchant skill)
- Added custom support for items (required and rewards)
- Added support checkSlots for items (capsule)
- Processing DayNightSpawnManager (support for any raids)
- Fixed npe when checking night spawn
- Add ability to buy more premium time (not for online types of premium, only with same premium id)
- Added a support for viewing quests in which NPCs participate
- Added skills info for npcs via shift
- Rework REQUEST_ID (images were not uploaded in community under proxy login)
- Grouping premium accounts to extend time
- Added config for reconfiguring debuffs only in pve
- Added config for lvl diff block for epaulette drop
- Rework support InventoryUpdate for correct work (without ItemList use)
- Fixed localization parse by report
- Rework calculations effects time by java time (without game controller)
- Removed task for toggles
- Fixed AOE skills on sieges
- Added reward after change class at grand masters
- 662 quest transfer to static reward by request
- Fixed double listener at Kamaels
- Fixed pets when break cast to owner
- Processing casting speed calculations
- Fixed 10275 quest
- Fixed event Rabbits
- Added service for transfer att and elementals
- Rework castle sieges system
- Support for enable all world events from gm panel even if they are disabled
- Fixed npc type (for dialogue)
- Fixed spawn Dead Leopard's Carcass
- Add custom param for Pailaka - Devil's Legacy
- 607 quest rework to static reward
- Fixed correct work attach char protection with no-carrier
- Blocklist rework support
- Fixed drop info for no-rate groups
- Fixed remove nobless from summons
- Added check for double spawn at rift
- Fixed pole attacks
- Added check for rename service (added check forbidden names)
- Change main class service (added support for remove sublass skills & restore books)
- Fixed spawn at Tanor Canyon
- Fixed skill Master Recharge
- Fixed wrong doors coords
- Some change formula for calculating debuffs time from resists
- Fixed aggro mobs after stun
- Fixed move calc with speed for follow attack (for range)
- Fixed friend update list (when remove friend)
- Fixed premium buff slots after relog
- Added custom oly points every day
- Added gm support for remove items from players (like ALT + G)
- Support enable/disable relations at fun zones
- Add custom support for multisells (check equip items)
- Emudev - old support remove
- Fixed AOE skills at fun zones
- Steal Divinity - block use for npc and summons
- Vagabond of the Ruins - added miss minions
- Change formula for blow skills
- Fixed some pet skills (not increase damage with ss)
- Edits of melee attacks if char is in root
- Change search for objects by region (priority for current region in which char is located)
- Fixed start 309 quest
- Some changes of AI guards
- Block getting exp for premium pets
- Fixed stats boost for buff crafter on servitor
- Fixed transfer of att bonus from owner to summon
- New support for autofarm (block attack of champs or raids)
- Add support hwid & ip check for intances and rift
- FOG chance to summon mobs after death is taken out in xml
- Added support random amount rewards for effect RestorationRandom
- Add support to remove skins for visual mode
- Fix wards attack with summon
- Configs of rewards for losing on oly
- Grouping buffs in community by type so that you can use duplicates
- Sword/Blunt Weapon Mastery added miss params
- Quest Into the World fixed reward
- Rework bubble skills
- Rework AGGREMOVE skills (like l2off)
- Added support for load npcinctance types from scripts
- Fixed work skill 902 & 39
- Added att black list support for items
- Some item skills fixed
- Fixed summon skills attack (check pvp status for some skills)


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