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Posts posted by LordWinter

  1. - fix null error in PcStatus by report
    - some change Baium AI
    - add configs for exchange's talismans
    - full check 25_19 spawn square
    - null errors by report for auto attack state after finish cast
    - rework demon prince and ranku instances
    - add new AI for SOI instances
    - full rework SOI instances
    - typo correct dialogues for BlackJudge
    - small parameter for dressme (for custom support)
    - correct check to take 422 quest
    - add params for hide beleth cameras
    - add penalty services
    - new config for block shift click mobs
    - full localization fight events engine
    - rework and update part instances by new support


  2. - Add miss spawn warpgate for Anakim and Lilith teleport
    - Add miss spawn for catacombs
    - Add miss html dialogues for some npcs
    - Add param for fight events check by lvl (now can participation all classes)
    - Add param for transfrom skill for Race event (by order)
    - Fix Warp and Shadow Step can be used while movement disable
    - Check for calc max exp and sp at party (exclude negative value)
    - Check for npc skills (skills all mobs like L2Off)
    - Some rework instances core support
    - Start working with group spawns by squares
    - Update stats for all npcs and guards likw l2Off (not for mobs!for mobs was parsed earlier)
    - Full rework knownlist support for world regions (global update)
    - Add miss chance calc for rewardlist at world events
    - New AI for Bloody Karik & hide params
    - Add miss time for Shiny Lit Platform skill
    - Add param for mobs in SOA (can see hide players)
    - Fix wards cant move
    - Add teleport support for Aerial Cleft from Kecerius Base (like l2Off)
    - full rework spawn for Spawn of Screams [full rework 22_16 square] (group spawn & check z coords)
    - Correct save and reset info for itemId 13021 (title color)
    - Check dressme sets info not only when equip sets (was not correct)
    - Check correct time for Fear enchant lvl
    - Check null error for DragonValley zone
    - Fix html links for quests _458_PerfectForm & _691_MatrasSuspiciousRequest
    - Fix errors by attackable status by report
    - Some changes for fly skills
    - Add check validation winner for olympiad
    - Add balancer rate for calc skills chance (miss)
    - Fix dressme (can use for no-grade items & add check valid for kamael equip)
    - Add param for GiftOfVitality reset time
    - Cleanup broadcastInfo methods
    - Add param for drop item list (if drop disable by config)
    - Check announce distance for npcs messages (need add distance after region update)
    - Add lakfi rewards xml support
    - Acp rework to extended format (individual % setting & choice potions)
    - Add soul potions support for Kamael in acp panel
    - Correct drop from Chests (thx l2idle)
    - Fix itemConsume for itemId 17018
    - Expanding functionality for sellbuffs & fix problem with client crit error (choice currency)
    - Add hairs support for dressme & can group with acessories shields and cloaks in armor types
    - Add param for min char lvl for shout (by order)
    List of quests adapted to the new statistical rating system:
      * _287_FiguringItOut
      * _694_BreakThroughTheHallOfSuffering
      * _695_DefendTheHallOfSuffering
      * _696_ConquertheHallofErosion
      * _697_DefendtheHallofErosion


  3. - Add miss spawn for Tully floor 3
    - Some change spawn system support (now can add several npcId in one territory)
    - Cleanup unused tables
    - Signet effects correct working!
    - Event hitman - advanced settings (several orders support)
    - Add raidpoints info to ranking & fix errors by reports
    - Fix problem with freya check quest for all players in instance
    - Add miss ConsumeBody effect in skills
    - Add support auto reloads scripts by admin cmd
    - Correct faction check for DragonGuards AI
    - Rework to new pvp rewards system and for capture and defence rewards too
    - Add game points settings by admin panel
    - Some change zone range spawn -> to check z coords by GEO
    - Add item use lock
    - Fix offline trade for PACKAGE SELL type
    - Change spawn by debug (fixed all bugget spawn points)
    - Ability to set the buff time for community buffs (separately)
    - Integration of the VIP service
    - New LOA spawn with banned zones support (direct by LordWinter)
    - Fix correct check PC points at multisell
    - Fix skills with SIGNET_CASTTIME types (dont attack peace players)
    - Correct chances for Wondrous Cubic skill
    - Add xml support for Crystal Scrolls
    - Add param for oly check hwid
    - Support for territory spawn info to npcs (admin shift + click)
    - Community close after tp to raid
    - Add support for restore effects with custom time
    - Add check for community add tp (block at epic raid zones and other some)
    - Custom effect time for summons too
    - Some changes for SignetMDam effects
    - Add custom configs for augment items
    - Rework all world events support (now all params in xml)
    - Add config for community heal (to enable cmd outside peace zones)
    - Fix correct check oly config to week period
    - Add config to enable new oly period by admin cmd
    - Add cmd to reload all events params
    - Rework crit formula for blow skills
    - Fix check restore summons after relog
    - Add miss minions for DragonKnights in LOA (+ rework ai)
    - Group spawn zones for dragon valley
    - Add configs for base stats reset if protection run
    - Reconfiguration of configs (and transfer old scripts to dp)
    - Change calc rnd npc position at spawn zones (definition z point)
    - Full rework minions support
    - New ai for QueenAntNurse
    - Check geo by teleports
    - Rework collision checks
    - Correct crit rate for all npcs
    - Fix problem with pets name (was auto create default name)
    - Mobs attack pet if pet attacker. (not pets owner!)
    - Fix bypass for blacksmith in aden
    - Some changes for doors packets (changing for frintezza)
    - Servitors auto use herbs with owner
    - Resurrection like l2off for sieges
    - Known objects change distance if a lot of objects
    - New configs for sieges
    - Add check for mass resurrections at sieges
    - Transfer of spawn chests for noobless from quest to bosses
    - Restore buffs after finish DUEL
    - Block Achievement voice cmd if event disable
    - Heal and buffs cant use for combat chars (without ctrl)
    - Block actions for aggro skills only for lockTarget
    - Rework quest for noobless
    - Update aggro skills
    - sysmsg 287 print when player start cast to artefact
    - Block save points in community at siege zones
    - Fix problem shift click mobs if mob have no spawn loc
    - Correct check area skills if char in duel
    - Debuffs cant use for party or clan with ctrl
    - Trigger skills cant to cancel
    - Some change mechanism to remove visible objects
    - ConsumeBody can used only for dead mobs
    - Realization PcBangPoint effect for auto get poins from respective items
    - Add support for custom summon friend skills
    - Invincible effect block all heal mpHeal and cpHeal effects
    - Cancel cant use for party players
    - Add some check for group heal skills
    - Vengeance not add icon for targets
    - Toggle skills cant steals
    - If char use mass resurrect not need select target
    - Add param for vitality from raids 
    - Next changes for aura skills and aggro
    - Fix bypass for quest _227_TestOfTheReformer
    - Rework quest _229_TestOfWitchcraft
    - Add logs viewer system
    - Cleance remove anchor and triggers stoped!
    - Correct restore buffs time after steal
    - Add config for attributte pvp items
    - Final changes for area skills check
    - Steal divinity used only for flaget targets
    - Additional configs for teleports in the community
    - Rework quest _233_TestOfWarspirit
    - Fixed problem of quests for 3 professions
    - Additional parameters for skills in skill reflected(not all skills can be reflected)
    - Expanded functions of fun pvp zones
    - Support for enchant items in multisells
    - Check for itemId 21726 (if event disable cnat use)
    - Add support for augmentations and attributtes for multisell ingredients
    - Add miss buylist
    - Macroses transfer in xml support
    - Fixed walking mobs
    - Add +5 Knoriks in LOA
    - Add new AI for Gordon
    - Add new params for zaken instances (burn candle delay)
    - Some change formulas for debuffs
    - Fix to correct attack range if char in transform
    - Can summon pet if pet feed 0
    - Some change in quest _246_PossessorOfAPreciousSoul_3
    - Fix totems conditions
    - Vortex skills are not debuffs
    - Fix problem with autoloot herbs (for mage classes)
    - Add calc LethalHit for skills with type "AGGDAMAGE"
    - Rework quest _220_TestimonyOfGlory by report
    - Add check to block tp by tw chars with flag
    - Charm of Courage correct working
    - Drop conditions for 219_TestimonyOfFate quest
    - Correct zone spawn for raid Fenril Hound Freki
    - Getting started with move controller (eliminate gaps under geo)
    - Add new zone type (without check geo at this zones)
    - Reflect skills final changes
    - Check rewards for first proff quests
    - Fix castle quests for conferment territory
    - Advanced setting for pcBang points system (for premium players)
    - Fix multisell info for fame ingredient
    - Kamaloka bosses block lethal attacks
    - Community augments now use standart checks for crystalType and other
    - Fix route for gracia airship
    - Some changes for summons ai
    - Servitor Share rework effect
    - Pride of Kamael fixed add stats https://l2db.info/high-five/skills/1444
    - Check null errors for fake players
    - Separate pool manager for fakes
    - Check summon attack at oly wait by owner
    List of quests adapted to the new statistical rating system
      * _183_RelicExploration
      * _184_NikolasCooperationContract
      * _185_NikolasCooperationConsideration
      * _186_ContractExecution
      * _187_NikolasHeart
      * _188_SealRemoval
      * _189_ContractCompletion
      * _190_LostDream
      * _191_VainConclusion
      * _252_ItSmellsDelicious
      * _311_ExpulsionOfEvilSpirits
      * _403_PathToRogue


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  4. - Add config for command channel (forgives requirements)
    - New custom community (https://l2jeternity.com/index.php?/topic/94-new-community-%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B9-%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC%D1%8C%D1%8E%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B8/)
    - Some changes for event Leprechaun (can use Monster template for event npc)
    - cmd teletocl (block tp at epic zones and instances)
    - Add new admin cmd for auto create spawn npc point in txt (in /data/stats/npcs/spawns/dumps/)
    - Add Clan Damage Info for epic bosses
    - Add  Static XP & SP rate by levels
    - Check add miss skills in 23200-23299.xml
    - Add twitch auto reward system!
    - Add teleports to raid bosses service (in community)
    - Auto restart login if it cant connect to game server
    - Add facebook system (need test)
    - Fix quest for frintezza cloak
    - Remove unhave items from dressme mod
    - Merge page navigation for all services where it is used
    - Logs of incorrect bypasses are hidden (available only for admin)
    - Division requests for restore info to be provided
    - Mmocore reworking
    - Unification StatsSet
    - char variables remove old support (duplicate)
    - Add config for SecondAuth system (to make it easier to create passwords)
    - Transfer all Elpy event settings to dp (in xml formate)
    - Fix clips of when summons action is canceled
    - Salvation not replace by Noobless Bless
    - Full reworking server packets opcodes (reading opcodes from a list)
    - Correct links for ban char buttons
    - Complete changes with minions (had problems with fast respawn)
    - Add interval task for CharInfo and UserInfo packets
    - Full remove javolution support from source
    - Rework clan & ally crests cache support
    - Fix aggro to add debuff if skill enchanted
    - Add params support for instances (transfer freya & zaken configs to this system)
    - Fix all errors by reports
    List of quests adapted to the new statistical rating system
      * _603_DaimontheWhiteEyedPart1
      * _604_DaimonTheWhiteEyedPart2
      * _609_MagicalPowerOfWaterPart1
      * _610_MagicalPowerOfWaterPart2
      * _615_MagicalPowerOfFirePart1
      * _616_MagicalPowerOfFirePart2


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  5. uk.png

    Dear customers, starting from today, subsequent revisions of the emulator are released with a binding! To start the server correctly, you will need a license key that will be issued to you when you access it. In trial version, the server will only work locally and with online restrictions. Change lic key is free, and only under your username!


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  6. uk.png  New Community Design

    Do not adapt to other emulators! / Не адаптируем под другие эмуляторы!




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  7. - Add configs for freya guards by order
    - Add Level Limit zones support (Ant Queen for example)
    - Add auto enchanting service
    - Fix bow and crossbow distance attacks
    - TonZone auto reward update to new api
    - Fix correct working skill Letter Collector's Gift
    - Fix errors with RecoBonus effects
    - Auto-learn skills some change
    - Fix auto resurrection at events if char leave event zone
    - Add check to block use tp service in instances
    - Add check limit for basestats calc
    - Add new param for items isEventRestricted for check on active events
    - Add custom rate for Seal Stones and for premium too
    - Fix correct working rune items (problem with char stats)
    - Add new custom param for full dress items (costume)
    - check event restricted items before start events
    - Add miss npcId at newbie npc multisell
    - Correct calc damage for Curse Death Link
    - Fantasy Isle miss dialogues for some npcs
    - Underground Coliseum Helper add html support
    - Fix pvp info check at killer in tvt event
    - Fix problem with double pAtk stats
    - Add check for spawn summons (if auto restore)
    - Check to remove minions mobs
    - Rework Lakfi-Lakfi system
    - Correct check player level for open chests
    - Add diff levels to active lethal skills 
    - Add personal premium type (only for one character not for all account)
    - Check buffs type without line register
    - Drop info with check champions (correct print info)
    - Fix for events if cant attack player not freeze
    - Add aggro info for all
    - Fix skill Corpse Life Drain
    - Move controller (search pathfinder distance transfer to configs)
    - Correct skills for Batur mobs (thx Kate)
    - Correct re-add debuffs & add config to change system (like L2OFF)
    - Change totems time (thx Grand)
    - Fix visual problem at manage selllist (not remove from inventory)
    - Some reworking pailaka 73
    - Fix some null errors in scripts
    - TW teleport fix for flag
    - Fix errors with DeadLockDetector (sync remove effects with owner summon)
    - Check all Pole weapons add miss attack params
    - Fix auto get holy pomanders (now not need re-login)
    - If at event summon do kill, point add to his owner
    - Correct fly ai for Pterosaur
    - Final change for pets now correct to check attack and skills
    - Party recall and param to menu to block auto recall
    - Add voice cmd to check premium in party
    - Change decay system & configs
    - Fix to change siege time for tw (in admin panel)
    - Check Mucrokian drops
    - Fix error for search mob info in community (problem with search chest)
    - Fix problem with Freya trigger skill
    - Fix use Outpost Demolition to base
    - Calc damage and aggro without AIRegister (calc by core not by script)
    - Fix visual bug when changing kamael weapons (simplification skill work)
    - Add chance for Lavasaurus spawn in FOG (was 100%)
    - Fix problem with pets looting in party
    - Reduce chance of spawn for npc 32759
    - Fix htmls at 625 quest
    - Add support for premiums in community teleport
    - Add static respawn for all epics (attach to time hours)
    - Add miss packet when char created (auto selected)
    - Dragon valley Partrollers some changed
    - Add images for epics
    - Reworking community buffer:
       * Reworking interface for schemes
       * Add config to block buffer outside peace zones
       * Add config to use buffer outside peace zones for premium players
       * Can set level of buffs separately for premium players
    - Reworking spawn in LOA
    - Add config (limit time buffs) for premium players
    - Add config (buffs amount) for premium players
    List of quests adapted to the new statistical rating system
      * _187_NikolasHeart
      * _238_SuccesFailureOfBusiness
      * _251_NoSecrets
      * _290_ThreatRemoval
      * _362_BardsMandolin
      * _617_GatherTheFlames
      * _624_TheFinestIngredientsPart1
      * _625_TheFinestIngredientsPart2
      * _688_DefeatTheElrokianRaiders
      * _902_ReclaimOurEra


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  8. - Minor changes in Four Goblets
    - Unification drop and spoil for community and shift info
    - Add param to check players lvl when try to get vote reward
    - Add some support for capsule items (thx Kate)
    - Add param to disable check geo for skills (transfer from core support)
    - Fix Oly reg info in html (miss calc in core)
    - Minor changes in 337 quest
    - Fix bad link to html in 726 quest
    - Correct icons for raid hats
    - Fix htm for some npcs
    - Fix double login sessions to enter into game
    - Add new gm cmd for recall all players (//recall_players)
    - Fix link htmls for 421 quest
    - Fix spawn Latana
    - New voice FindParty system
    - Add miss skills icons for multiproff mod
    - Changes for 7 sign quests (transform problem and guards in instance)
    - Rework calc Pole attack targets
    - Add custom hwid system for quests
    - Antharas quest typo fix
    - Rework offline trader system (now data is saved as soon as player has become offline trader)
    - Sellbuffs offline system reworked same way
    - Typo fix htmls (thx GrandV)
    - Add price modifier for sale items
    - Remove Client packet queue tuning support
    - Add param for Epidos spores amount
    - Add config for Attribute chance rate
    - Attach community multisells
    - Premium Pets full check (add miss skills for some pets)
    - Check time limit for pets items
    - Fake death 70% chance like L2OFF (thx GrandV)
    - Check to correct work quest _10295_SevenSignsSolinasTomb
    - Add custom item broker (search and print info private stores)
    - Add custom param for magic skill damage (magicSkillPower)
    - Add alternative community teleport support by id from xml
    - Full rework premium system:
      * xml template support for premiums
      * regular premiums and online type premiums
      * premium gifts
      * exp bonuses
      * sp bonuses
      * siegeGuard bonuses
      * adena bonuses
      * drop bonuses
      * raids drop bonuses
      * quest reward bonuses
      * quests drop bonuses
      * fishing bonuses
      * elemental stones bonuses
      * spoil bonuses
      * weight limit bonuses
      * craft bonuses
      * masterWork craft bonuses
      * echant scrolls + echant att bonuses
      * fame bonuses
      * instances reduce bonuses
    - Fix for correct working Fear skills type
    - Fix preblem with doors at Oly (promlem with calc geoIndex)
    - Fix print info for chanhall payments
    - Change instance grouping (new type SOLO_PARTY)
    - Typo fix Achievements by report
    List of quests adapted to the new statistical rating system
      * _10501_ZakenEmbroideredSoulCloak
      * _10502_FreyaEmbroideredSoulCloak
      * _10503_FrintezzaEmbroideredSoulCloak
      * _627_HeartInSearchOfPower
      * _634_InSearchOfFragmentsOfDimension


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  9. - Fix old bypasses (for oly)
    - Sellbuffs complete change design
    - Change olympiad formate info (fix weekly calc update time)
    - New olympiad info in admim panel
    - Add config to check attacking char status for move
    - Halisha change status if you instantly killed Halisha (custom param)
    - Fix calc for dropMultiplier stats (was wrong)
    - Add new param for spoil "spoilMultiplier"
    - Сlose null check to Orfen
    - Some change configs for premium accounts
    - Add new params for augmentiton service (alternative operating system)
    - Rework fake players (now no lags)
    - Some changes with antibrute protection for login server
    - Add missins skills for pets (thx Tangra)
    - Remove double spawn minions for raid Akata
    - Fix collision radius and height for some Raids by report!
    - Add miss raids by report
    - Fix critical error when spoil list at npc is empty
    - Fix for raids spawn by report
    - Check null inventory
    - Reduced radius for minions
    - Fix lowering skill level for multiproff mod
    - Add config for tab limit when saving teleports (in community)
    - Fix for correct list info bosses in community (not all displayed)
    - Fix problem with doors (apply geo)
    - Fix problem with Valakas change status after restart if status not 0
    - Remove BossZone support for Valakas and Antharas
    - Guards in GeoCollision can attack players and players can attack guards! (close geo problem to see target)
    - If tutorial disabled players can see dialogues with start npcs
    - Events support for new Antharas zone
    - Add config for disable items from drop
    - Mini edits with Antharas (problem if raid have status 1)
    - Attach of players movements by geo (falls problems under geo at movement)
    - Correct coords for community teleport for toi 10 floor
    - Add changes for mobs for geo check
    - Fix problem with recommendations reset
    - Fix null error with slaves on hellbound
    - Block movement of monsters if there is a very large z coords difference with target (clear aggro)
    - Fix drop on the ground (lowered z coords)
    - Add EpicBoss stats info in community (map info not working)
    - Add config for certification (min level for use)
    - Fix errors with quest _716_PathToBecomingALordRune
    - Rework spawn for all mobs in 23_14 square
    - Fix bridge for Darion (cant movement)
    - Fix errors for 509 quest
    - Add debug for spawn (print bugget spawn)
    - Fixed global problem mobs in spawn
    - Fixed lethal strikes (not give exp after kill mobs)
    - Сhanges for freya mobs (problem with spawn when logging in instance)
    - Fix errors with AnomicFoundry AI
    - Null errors with Queen ANT ai
    - Fix double remove items from resurrections scrolls
    - Fix timer update in Nevit system
    - Fix magic attack by doors
    - Heal potions dont use buff slots
    - Fix skill Day of Doom
    - Add check valid class by commnuty class master
    List of quests adapted to the new statistical rating system
      * _636_TruthBeyond
      * _637_ThroughOnceMore


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  10. - Add config for checking the validity of drop groups (can to disable and calc without standard parameters)
    - Fix with attack mob clips
    - Fix null errors for Primeval Island AIs
    - Fix for correct spawn elpy (epidos room)
    - Fix errors when beleth die
    - Updating forts (add support of control room mechanisms)
    - Fix attack himself for Kamael skills
    - Rework restoration and updating of skills for char
    - Toggle buffs are not disabled when using transformations
    - Fix errors when trying to buff Pet (in its absence in community buffer)
    - In ru dialogs edit the selection of a character or pet in accordance with the selected localization
    - Rework calculation of random spawn points by zones for (Frintezza and SOD instances)
    - Minor edits door packages
    - Fix problem with StealBuffs effect
    - Add param randomEffects for cancel effect
    - Add new configs for Zaken (to check game time)
    - Some changes for Frintezza (fix problem if Halisha die stage did not switch)
    - Fix null erros for 455 quest and some others
    - DeathPenalty not added on events
    - Fix problem with reviveRequest
    - Fix null errors for 508 510 and 144 quests
    - Fix errors with restore summon buffs
    - Add config for min hittime of cast! (now can be done mages cast without remain time)
    - Fix eror when unset variables
    - Add param for offline traders (to check for dualbox)
    - Change part of sellbuffs design (other later)
    - Fix error with target reconsider rapam in AI
    - Check to use community buffer and teleport services
    - Add all mobs to search pathfinder with geo (fixed problem in loa running mobs)
    - Fix error with AirshipGuard ai
    - Switching to a different database connection driver (leaving from c3p0-0.9.5-pre6)
    - Fix error to inventory update to check energy agathions
    - Fix to set setTarget if char dead
    - Remove old itemaname in sys msg (for trial multilang support)
    - Global reworking Cancel skills (principle of calculation)
    - Manipulation of distance calculations to doors
    - Remove calc instanceId from locations support
    - If used soe or bsoe instance change to default!
    - List of quests adapted to the new statistical rating system:
       * _065_CertifiedSoulBreaker
       * _109_InSearchOfTheNest
       * _146_TheZeroHour
       * _457_LostAndFound
       * _628_HuntGoldenRam


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  11. - Added configs for setting time of castle sieges
    - Added config for setting time of territory was siege
    - Added new effect for outposts (rework support)
    - Rework mechanics of loading server scripts (Now all server scripts auto loading, server auto searches for all scripts in dp)
    - Fixed dialog display (in DE village)
    - Rework full community structure support, placed in a separate type of handlers (now can create community scripts in dp)
    - Fixed commnuity bypasses to speed up queries
    - Added xml support for binding community bypasses to NPCs
    - Added char binding to IP and HWID (with kick delay support)
    - Added limit configuration [CON,DEX,STR,INT,WIN,MEN] (required for pvp servers)
    - Rework config for difference in level between attacker and mob (ability to block getting EXP and SP)
    - Added icons for some skills for sell buffs (acc to report)
    - Start rework for all instance zones (to new xml support):
      * Added channel limit for simultaneous entry to one zone
      * Added setting up entry levels
      * Added setting min and max amount of players for zone
      * Added support coordinates of entrance
      * Added support coordinates of exit
      * Added reenter time support
      * Added gradation of zones by type
      * Added support for reward
      * Added support for required items for entry (at party leader or cc or at all)
      * Added support for required quest for entry
      * Added support for spawn (by points and by zones) 
      * Added admin support to reload instance templates 
    - Fixed null errors in AI mobs at Baylor
    - Fixed null errors for 382 quest
    - Attach doors spawn to geo (in instances too)
    - Added checks to packages to avoid dupe attempts
    - Added support for spawning doors at pvp events (auto opens all doors that will be added)
    - Fixed double teleportation after the end of the event
    - Corrected Artifact spawn in Rune Castle
    - Simplify checks when trying to cast skill an artifact
    - Fixed errors when attack of doors some skills
    - Fixed errors at the end of clanhall sieges
    - Added config for max amount of items to buy at a time via multisell
    - Global rework of all kamalokas support:
      * Adapting to new instance support
      * Implementing kamalokas for PC points
      * Added drop support of kamaloka essence for premium players
      * Added teleporter spawn support after kill raid
      * Added config of entrance to Rim kamaloka (not only for premium)
      * Added config of kamaloka essence drop (not only for premium)
      * Added support for Extra Entrance Pass - Kamaloka items (for all kamaloka types, like L2OFF)
    - Other instance zones adapted to new xml support:
      * Tiat Instance
      * All Zaken instances
      * Frintezza instance
      * All Freya instances
    - List of quests adapted to the new statistical rating system:
      * _10295_SevenSignsSolinasTomb
      * _10296_SevenSignsPoweroftheSeal
      * _904_DragonTrophyAntharas
      * _907_DragonTrophyValakas


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  12. According to our announcements, all prices for tariff plans will change from February 1!

    We have globally revised the concept of the server and simplified process of loading scripts for convenience of our clients. Now you don't need to specify the path to your script, server automatically listens for the datapack and searches for scripts in it. In the near future all the functionality of community and much more will be transfer into scripts! This will allow our customers to fully customize or edit everything for their needs on the latest tariff.

    As of today it is possible to buy the emulator in an automated mode through our forum. Once a month the current revision will be updated in the files section! Price is slightly inflated due to taxes, purchase through the developer remains according to the tariff plan.

    The mods section will expand when you purchase any of the mods, just unpack the archive to your server, after reading the instructions and start server. You will not need to make any changes to the server core!

    Follow our changes and news

  13. - Add config for SellBuff service (ability to apply effects to pets)
    - correct spawn of statistic objects by geo
    - Implementing a proxy slider
    - Correct display char amount at account on proxy servers (when selecting a server)
    - Fix visibilities Nevit visual effect (transfer into special effects)
    - Add support for special effects for Champions
    - Fix problem with loading char varibles (load with a delay)
    - Fix problems with setting flag in forts (disable check for geo)
    - Fix teleport members of the command channel to the night zaken
    - Fix zeroings instance after Baylor when teleporting on a quest
    - Add disabling event Monster Attack if all players are dead
    - Saving event statistics in database (restores when the server is rebooted)
    - Add support for top killer reward for all non-team events
    - Dimensional Merchant updated (added missed pets)
    - Checking and adjusting height and radius of all agathions and vitamin pets
    - Add skipped html for quest _611_AllianceWithVarkaSilenos
    - When using teleportation service, community is closed
    - Fixed problem with displaying custom server messages (not all tags were read from the string)
    - Fix exit from instance for quest _198_SevenSignEmbryo
    - Add new ai for mobs in Tiat instance (which spawn from traps)
    - Displaying online in community with cheat from config


    1 person likes this

  14. - remove support L2HashMap and L2TIntObjectHashMap
    - Delete vote system (Survey) not actual
    - commons new version without javolution support
    - correct skills remain in macro (problem reset remain when enchanting skills)
    - Rework multifunctional zones (now can set parameters for each zone individually)
    - Fix ai event mobs (erroneous target search)
    - Increased amount of mobs in Anomic Foundry
    - Correct spawn event Manager (dialog did not work because of broken z coordinates)
    - Achievements can now be used via voice command (.ach or .acv)
    - Beginning of work on fake players
    - Add config for ability to set a zero price for sale of all items
    - Removed auto equipment of weapons when buying in donate shop
    - Correction move controller:
       * problems with hovering before the first monster attack
       * search for a path when clicking an attack if the target is not visible
       * fix problems with falling under the texture
       * fix problems with changing position when casting skills
    - Add missed the dialogues warhouse on Fantasy Island
    - Alternate switching of the certification service (for standart use books)
    - List of quests adapted to the new statistical rating system:
       * _455_WingsOfSand
       * _456_DontKnowDontCare
       * _10277_MutatedKaneusDion
       * _10278_MutatedKaneusHeine
       * _10279_MutatedKaneusOren
       * _10280_MutatedKaneusSchuttgart
       * _10281_MutatedKaneusRune
       * _10282_ToTheSeedOfAnnihilation
       * _10283_RequestOfIceMerchant
       * _10284_AcquisitionOfDivineSword
       * _10285_MeetingSirra
       * _10286_ReunionWithSirra
       * _10287_StoryOfThoseLeft
       * _10288_SecretMission
       * _10289_FadeToBlack
       * _10290_LandDragonConqueror
       * _10291_FireDragonDestroyer
       * _10292_SevenSignsGirlofDoubt
       * _10293_SevenSignsForbiddenBook
       * _10294_SevenSignToTheMonastery


    2 people like this

  15. - Add config to disable message of cancellation effects at death (at customer's request)
    - Fix friezes with death (if there were a lot of buffs)
    - Fix double spawn Rooney in FOG
    - Fix work symbols under geo
    - Fix correct working item_skills in items
    - Correct loading of ships for scripts
    - Add chect is port free before server launches
    - L2FastList and L2FastMap remove all support in core
    - Fix characters follow (correct update position)
    - some change params calc in KnownList
    - Fix error when RainbowSpringsSiege start (if no registrations)
    - Added a new statistical system for quests:
       * All support in xml format
       * Ability to control drop rate in quest (individually for every npc in quest)
       * Ability to control reward rate in quest (individually for every item)
    List of quests adapted to the new system:
       * Letters of Love
       * What Women Want
       * Will the Seal be Broken
       * Long live the Pa'agrio Lord
       * Miner's Favor
       * Step into the Future
       * A Trip Begins
       * An Adventure Begins
       * Into the City of Humans
       * Into the World
       * Secret Meeting With Ketra Orcs
       * Secret Meeting With Varka Silenos
       * Parcel Delivery
       * Whereabouts of the Archaeologist
       * Sweet Whispers
       * The Coming Darkness
       * Light and Darkness
       * Meeting with the Golden Ram
       * Go to the Pastureland
       * Bring Up With Love
       * Hidden Truth
       * Tragedy in von Hellmann Forest
       * Lidia's Heart
       * Inhabitants of the Forest of the Dead
       * Hiding Behind the Truth
       * Tired of Waiting
       * Chest caught with a bait of wind
       * Chest caught with a bait of icy air
       * Chest caught with a bait of earth
       * Chest caught with a bait of fire
       * Secret Buried in the Swamp
       * An Obvious Lie
       * Make a Pair of Dress Shoes
       * In Search of Cloth
       * Find Glittering Jewelry
       * Make a Sewing Kit
       * Make Formal Wear
       * Dragon Fangs
       * Red-Eyed Invaders
       * A Special Order
       * Help the Uncle
       * Help the Sister
       * Help the Son
       * To Talking Island
       * Once More In the Arms of the Mother Tree
       * Into the Dark Forest
       * To the Immortal Plateau
       * The Road Home
       * Lanosco's Special Bait
       * O'Fulle's Special Bait
       * Willie's Special Bait
       * Linnaeus' Special Bait
       * Good Work's Reward
       * Law Enforcement
       * Path of the Trooper
       * Sword of Solidarity
       * Sea of Spores Fever
       * Only What Remains
       * Journey to Gracia
       * To the Seed of Infinity
       * To the Seed of Destruction
       * Birth of the Seed
       * The Enveloping Darkness
       * Light Fragment
       * Good Day to Fly
       * Collecting in the Air
       * Containing the Attribute Power
       * Mutated Kaneus - Gludio


  16. Main problem all servers, that cannot be with precision align selectively quest under the right rates and if you increase rates for all quests some quests are not rateable. We decided to solve this problem once and for all! As well as simplify the setup and make it as refined as possible for our customers.

    We decided to make the rate setting static for all quests.

    There are a lot of quests and process of transition to the new system will take some time, but already now (in last update) part of quests has support for statistical settings!

    Now quests are listen by global configs as well as not modifying global configs you can change rates for individual quests for drops or rewards.

    For customers made manual on editing and configuring quests under themselves click

    Also, we are ready to listen to offers, which quests need to be adapted to new mechanism in the first place. You can place your offer in this section click


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  17. - Fix lack of drop from Cannibalistic Stakato Chief (new npc type)
    - Correct spawn point for Queen Shyeed
    - fix teleport to stakato nest (not teleport whole party)
    - fix buying in private store (checking enchant items and attributes)
    - Add server side for client interface (our partner)
    - Fix working Venom like L2OFF
    - Add parameter for common chests displayed in datapack (at the request of customer)
    - Community recycling (removed region and memo support)
    - Add localization quest _162_CurseOfFortress
    - Add localization quest _240_ImTheOnlyOneYouCanTrust
    - Add localization quest _295_DreamingOfTheSkies
    - Add localization quest _310_OnlyWhatRemains
    - Add configs to configure bypass community buttons for yourself
    - Added config on double craft
    - Minor fixes GEODATA with fall from heights
    - Fix slowing zones on sieges (running speed not correctly calculated)
    - Fix update multisells (when listing clothes for example)
    - Fix autoloot
    - Fix double messages toggle skills
    - Fix switching target under cast aoe skills
    - Fix sticking attacks Summons
    - Fix jumps in water when character is swimming
    - Fix Pailaka Devils Legacy (correct guards amount of Lematan)
    - Fix use pailaka soe
    - Fix of stats Luckpy Luckpy 
    - Fix passing Pailaka - Song of Ice and Fire (spawn raids with conds on quest)
    - Fix working 33 Kamaloka (ai problem)
    - Fix sale item, after exiting the instance zones
    - Fix quest _112_WalkOfFate (took adena)


    1 person likes this

  18. - Rework calculation of attack speed in nanoseconds
    - Bows are also removed from processing tickets
    - Add parameter heal block for certain targets
    - New AI for npcs in 726 and 727 quests in instances
    - Fixed displaying of drop in community with RB and mobs
    - Now mobs run given radius of target and not run up to the target loc
    - Check null for Baium
    - Package fix RecipeShopManageList (like L2OFF)
    - Implementation of quests "Path To Becoming A Lord" 708-716 ids
    - Add support for give status of Lord of territoty in admin panel
    - Displaying clan icon on the territory npcs if Lord is proclaimed! (config remained)
    - Sales of seeds and crops in castle increase by 10% if the Lord is proclaimed! (like L2OFF)


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  19. uk.png

    We are ready to offer you the most favorable conditions for the purchase of our products
    For your convenience, there are 3 options to choose from:

    Totem_of_bravery_0.jpg 1. Standart option: 8500

    • Single purchase of the server emulator
    • Geodata
    • Help with server setup
    • Without technical support
    • Without access to updates

    Totem_of_fortitude_0.jpg 2. Expanded option: 17000

    • Server emulator
    • Geodata
    • Help with server setup
    • Access private svn with updates
    • Technical support

    Totem_of_body_0.jpg 3. Option (all inclusive): 25000

    • Server emulator
    • Geodata
    • Custom Community Board
    • AutoFarm
    • Help with server setup
    • Access private svn with updates
    • Technical support
    • Source code of scripts

    Skill1422_0.jpg  Bonuses and Loyalty

    • Additionally you get a discount on the services of our team*
    • Prompt correction of critical problems**, if they are of course the same .
    • We answer your questions , ask them in this section.
    • Honesty, openness and respect .

    Before purchasing the emulator we provide a test server for potential buyers .
    For all your questions, you can contact in ICQ - 397086629 or Skype

    * After purchasing any version of the Assembly. **Problem resolution time may take up to 48 hours .
    Information is current at the time of publication. Latest update 14.10.2021



    Мы готовы предложить вам самые выгодные условия приобретения нашей продукции
    Для вашего удобства, доступно 3 варианта на выбор:

    Totem_of_bravery_0.jpg 1. Стандартный вариант: 8500

    • Разовая покупка эмулятора сервера
    • ГеоДата
    • Помощь в настройке сервера
    • Без технической поддержки
    • Без доступа к обновлениям

    Totem_of_fortitude_0.jpg 2. Расширенный вариант: 17000

    • Эмулятор сервера
    • ГеоДата
    • Помощь в настройке сервера
    • Доступ к закрытому svn с обновлениями
    • Техническая поддержка

    Totem_of_body_0.jpg 3. Всё включено: 25000

    • Эмулятор сервера
    • ГеоДата
    • Кастомная комьюнити
    • Авто-фарм
    • Помощь в настройке сервера
    • Доступ к закрытому svn с обновлениями
    • Техническая поддержка
    • Исходный код скриптов

    Skill1422_0.jpg Бонусы и Лояльность: Смотреть все бонусы и акции

    • Дополнительно получаете скидку на услуги нашей команды*
    • Оперативное исправления критических проблем**, если они будут конечно же.
    • Отвечаем на интересующие вас вопросы, задавайте их в этом разделе.
    • Честность, открытость и уважительное отношение.

    До покупки эмулятора мы предоставляем тестовый сервер для потенциальных покупателей.
    По всем интересующим вас вопросам, вы можете обращаться в ICQ - 397086629 или в Skype

    *После приобретения любого варианта сборки. **Может потребоваться дополнительное время на тестирование/проверку/воссоздание ошибки.
    Информация актуальна на момент публикации. Последнее обновление 14.10.2021

  20. - Fix errors by calc raid points
    - Some change skills call by mobs AI
    - Baium work like l2OFF!
    - Add miss skills for Latana
    - Major heal not add aggropoints!
    - Fix bug with doors in valakas's lair (wrong doors opened)
    - Update chance for quest items in quest _136_MoreThanMeetsTheEye
    - Updated work and dialogues of quest _307_ControlDeviceOfTheGiants
    - Add config tasks from being delayed OnKill for mobs and NPCs (for quests and not only)
    - Add new system for balance skills system (can be regulate every skill individually to all classes)
    - Fix on opening private store with additional checks
    - Revision policy chance to use skills from mobs
    - Altered processing methods of mobs attack (added current damage lock)
    - Rework Valakas like L2OFF (new separate AI)
    - Fix check of valid buffs Pets at target (prohibition of using buffs on the owner type SELF)
    - Added teleport function for admin software npcId
    - Adjustment reward for chain quests 7 signs
    - Fix errors, of auction with accessories
    - Fix correct HTML output when trying to change sub class
    - Rework drop and spoil panels by pages for Admins
    - Rework drop and spoil panels by pages for players too (not to crit-error with large amount of drop)
    - Additional checks for vitamin pets on skills
    - Can't summon Pets in combat like l2OFF
    - Removed checks when spawned bosses by Gms
    - Minor edits for quests html support
    - Correction aggropoints for all debuff and heal skills
    - Rework some configs for multi-function zone (at customer's request)
    - Correct work Tiat instance
    - Add miss skill - Tiat Transformation
    - Fix work item - Dewdrop of Destruction
    - Add param for all scripts (to track the error path)


  21. - Restore check support for oly restriction
    - Some core restructuring
    - Sync all monsters and raid bosses stats to HF5 (like l2OFF)
    - Change navigation for dressme
    - Add custom config for catacombs and necropolis (to enter)
    - Rework anti bot system (now with questions)
    - Fixed valakas and other granbosses calc AI
    - Fix antharas minions
    - Rework auto potions system
    - Fix for correct spawn tiat
    - Fixed vote reward for L2TopZone and L2Network
    - Check to null AreaCorpseMob
    - Fix warsmith skill summon Golem Trader
    - Correct bypass for pailaka
    - Check to null error for passive effects
    - Fixed for correct quest info _463_IMustBeaGenius
    - Add Certification service for community
    - Add new custom global chat (with limit number of messages)
    - Сomplete multi auction system (can create auctions for certain items sale)
    - New param for teleports
    - Baium fixed (when wake up player was leaving the zone)
    - Remove old rGuard support 
    - Add Strix Guard support
    - Fix community SA functions
    - Miss dialogues for items
    - Fix for working quest _464_Oath
    - Restore work trap skills (miss when transferring to xml)
    - Fix correct work Blink (thx Kate)


  22. - Fix checks target mobs when applying clan buffs
    - Fix for buy premium account in the community is not properly charged the cost
    - fix problem with add items for campion mobs
    - Fix L2Topzone for correct parse from vote site
    - Few adjustments in positioning to reduce coordinate divergence
    - Fix reccomendation error if count > 255
    - Typo fix errors in gm panel for siege halls
    - Clen up unused htmls
    - Fix color service - correct buy color
    - Add roboto fake players engine
    - Rework calc objects position in world (now more correct)
    - Fixed autoloot and autolootherbs commands in menu and in configs 
    - Start update gm menu to new design
    - Remove all events from server
    - Remove custom npcbuffer (not used)
    - Implementation of new engine for events (Fight Events Engine)
       * Now all events work from one engine
       * Add support in gm panel for enable/disable events
       * Add support for registration in community
       * Add support for registration from npc
       * Add statistic support for every event
       * xml support for individual customization every event
       * Add support for event maps from xml
       * Manager Spawnlist in xml support
    - List of all now support new events engine
       * Last Hero
       * Team vs Team
       * Lucky Creatures
       * Capture The Flag
       * Treasure Hunt
       * Korean Style
       * Team vs Team Round
       * Capture The Base
       * Death Match
       * Monster Attack


  23. - Optimize server startup
    - Community restructuring:
       * Improved RB statistics for community
       * Realization of drop calculator for mobs
       * Reworked statistics in the community under the new format
       * Reworked premium service in community
       * Fix display donate items in community (not all showed)
       * Reworked friends page in community
       * Fix sales through the community (for ordinary players)
       * Fix community warhouse (for ordinary players)
       * Support for displaying images of mobs in drop calculator of community
       * Full localization of community!
    - Support event scrolls for weapons and armor
    - Heal players before the round on Oly
    - Removed support leaderboards
    - Added debug html paths and zones for GMs
    - Correct ways for html for NPCs trainers
    - Fix path validation to htm log admin
    - Black Marketeer of Mammon not priest... (type adjustment)
    - Added support for skipped skills Agation Juju
    - Fix script npcs for drop calculator + Hellbound npcs
    - Rework Nevit system
    - Fix work item Nevit's Voice
    - Rework RecoBonus system
    - Fixed problems with some skills under geo (was crits)
    - Chests are displayed in separate instance
    - Added config to disable spawn chests
    - Fixed buges chest (was critobal GS by geo)
    - Processing mechanics drop on radius + correct attach drop to geo
    - Fixed stuck with raising drop by geo
    - Rewritten AI for all running mobs in LOA and DV
    - Fixed skill summon friend (incorrect work with geo)
    - Fixed a stuck after using the skill warp
    - Fix using skill mobs (they beat each other)
    - Fixed attack radius Tanta Lizardman Magician and Priest Guard
    - Fixed a bug attack mobs with poles and other mass weapons (inflicts damage each other)
    - Fix checks for mobs attack in some AI
    - Fix spawn Plague Golem (was critobal by geo)
    - Fix default configuration menu (was auto enabled by default)
    - Fix custom days rates (not correctly calculatevalue for simple accounts)
    - Fixed error when send items by mail
    - New voting system with support:
       * HopZone
       * L2TopZone
       * L2Network
       * L2Top
       * MmoTop
       * MmoVote
    - Correct stat for mob Gem Dragon
    - Expanded configs for event Master Of Enchanting (+ setting rewards on level of enchating through xml)
    - Added configs on pvp points with active TVT and TVT round
    - Rework SOD Manager
    - Spawn of seed only when you SOD open
    - Rework skills for seed collection (removed crutches worked on separate scripts)
    - Updated quest _692_HowtoOpposeEvil
    - Ability to load images in .jpg and .bmp format other than .png
    - Removed support for phantoms (only extra load on the server)
    - Full rework mode of Champion mobs (now customizable templates and you can do several types of champions)
    - Added config on limiting entry in Cruma Tower by level
    - On localization:
       * Edit ru dialogues Olympiads Manager
       * Localization Seyo
       * Localization Mercenary Managers in casltes
       * Localization Wyvern Manager
       * Localization Sumiel
       * Localization trainers
       * Support localization skills
       * Support localization items
       * Support localization npcs (names and titles)
       * Support localization for clan halls