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Revision 1730

1 post in this topic

- Add config to disable message of cancellation effects at death (at customer's request)
- Fix friezes with death (if there were a lot of buffs)
- Fix double spawn Rooney in FOG
- Fix work symbols under geo
- Fix correct working item_skills in items
- Correct loading of ships for scripts
- Add chect is port free before server launches
- L2FastList and L2FastMap remove all support in core
- Fix characters follow (correct update position)
- some change params calc in KnownList
- Fix error when RainbowSpringsSiege start (if no registrations)
- Added a new statistical system for quests:
   * All support in xml format
   * Ability to control drop rate in quest (individually for every npc in quest)
   * Ability to control reward rate in quest (individually for every item)

List of quests adapted to the new system:
   * Letters of Love
   * What Women Want
   * Will the Seal be Broken
   * Long live the Pa'agrio Lord
   * Miner's Favor
   * Step into the Future
   * A Trip Begins
   * An Adventure Begins
   * Into the City of Humans
   * Into the World
   * Secret Meeting With Ketra Orcs
   * Secret Meeting With Varka Silenos
   * Parcel Delivery
   * Whereabouts of the Archaeologist
   * Sweet Whispers
   * The Coming Darkness
   * Light and Darkness
   * Meeting with the Golden Ram
   * Go to the Pastureland
   * Bring Up With Love
   * Hidden Truth
   * Tragedy in von Hellmann Forest
   * Lidia's Heart
   * Inhabitants of the Forest of the Dead
   * Hiding Behind the Truth
   * Tired of Waiting
   * Chest caught with a bait of wind
   * Chest caught with a bait of icy air
   * Chest caught with a bait of earth
   * Chest caught with a bait of fire
   * Secret Buried in the Swamp
   * An Obvious Lie
   * Make a Pair of Dress Shoes
   * In Search of Cloth
   * Find Glittering Jewelry
   * Make a Sewing Kit
   * Make Formal Wear
   * Dragon Fangs
   * Red-Eyed Invaders
   * A Special Order
   * Help the Uncle
   * Help the Sister
   * Help the Son
   * To Talking Island
   * Once More In the Arms of the Mother Tree
   * Into the Dark Forest
   * To the Immortal Plateau
   * The Road Home
   * Lanosco's Special Bait
   * O'Fulle's Special Bait
   * Willie's Special Bait
   * Linnaeus' Special Bait
   * Good Work's Reward
   * Law Enforcement
   * Path of the Trooper
   * Sword of Solidarity
   * Sea of Spores Fever
   * Only What Remains
   * Journey to Gracia
   * To the Seed of Infinity
   * To the Seed of Destruction
   * Birth of the Seed
   * The Enveloping Darkness
   * Light Fragment
   * Good Day to Fly
   * Collecting in the Air
   * Containing the Attribute Power
   * Mutated Kaneus - Gludio


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