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Global quests update

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Main problem all servers, that cannot be with precision align selectively quest under the right rates and if you increase rates for all quests some quests are not rateable. We decided to solve this problem once and for all! As well as simplify the setup and make it as refined as possible for our customers.

We decided to make the rate setting static for all quests.

There are a lot of quests and process of transition to the new system will take some time, but already now (in last update) part of quests has support for statistical settings!

Now quests are listen by global configs as well as not modifying global configs you can change rates for individual quests for drops or rewards.

For customers made manual on editing and configuring quests under themselves click

Also, we are ready to listen to offers, which quests need to be adapted to new mechanism in the first place. You can place your offer in this section click


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