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Revision 507

1 post in this topic

- fixed problem with rest status when char teleport
- added custom support for visualme like block skins by class ID
- custom navigation for community raids
- remove cursed weapons whean char do repair
- fixed cast isOutPost ar TW if char at owner territory
- added custom respawn time by hours time
- aggro added by frined aggro
- orbis mobs support by order
- change support for color service. new bypasses
- raids watch if they are alive (new button at cb)
- level sorting configuration
- service colors rework of names & titles
- fixed next target at events
- fixed rates info for specific format
- damage delay for weapons like l2off
- rework rune zone at events
- new minion placement system
- implementation of premium tatto support
- support for blessed items and their bonuses from enchanting
- config for displaying debuffs at target
- rework 372, 629, 632, 633 quests to xml format
- rework of effects update system
- rework broadcastModifiedStats system
- added henna limits
- fixed save aggro info when npc teleport
- RB points
- displaying mobs in community (map pos)
- npe when loading time zones
- output time for cleanup souls and charges for convenience on request
- remove debuffs at death for events
- fixed pvp status for weapon skills on crit skills
- geo checks for skills with CORPSE_CLAN target type
- forced unsummon pets at events
- reset of subsequent casts of skills from char during abortCast
- npe 457 quest
- partial problem of triggers
- permanent key for use
- registration for forts is like on Skryde
- npe by DrakosGuardian
- added spawn delay for summons (was problem for autouse pet shorts)
- rework control for AI mobs system (enable/disable)
- added check char heading in process of casting
- added check targets limit for aura skills
- fixed summons in aggrolist
- disable pet's shots if it is dead
- fixed daily/pledge tasks if kill by summons
- fixed give ch skills (custom)
- Missed ru html for Quest 611 612 619 620
- add an alternative tutorial
- fixed 383 quest
- update rewards for oly quests
- disabling ban system if IpBanTime = 0
- don't reset aggro from summon if owner is invise
- fixed bug when enter/exit transformation (character position)
- monsterbook support
- announce support for lucky game
- skills check zone support
- added miss Faction packets
- added abilty system
- fixed problem with transform z coords position
- restore work balancer (need update multiproff for same correct work!)
- fixed autoget skills (miss check for removeskills support)
- teletoleader block if leader dead
- fixed block grade settings fun zones
- change check support for visual service with one example
- fixed chances for enchanting by char lvl (added support for 120 level limit)
- correct chance in drop from champions group
- fixed visual problems with updating souls when using skills
- int values of stats when shift-click players
- correct operation of dagger skills in conjunction with ACP
- processing of boosts and protection from valakas (with buffs of scrolls)
- added static param "addPotionMp" for mp effects
- rework custom stats for reflections (tranfer to param settings)
 * example
			<set name="showTimer" value="true" />
			<set name="isTimerIncrease" value="true" />
			<set name="timerText" value="test test" />
			<set name="isHwidCheck" value="true" />
			<set name="isSummonAllowed" value="true" />
			<set name="isPvPInstance" value="true" />
			<set name="isForPremium" value="true" />
			<set name="isForNoble" value="true" />
			<set name="isForHero" value="true" />
			<set name="isHasCastle" value="true" />
			<set name="isHasFort" value="true" />
			<set name="minRebirth" value="1" />
			<set name="hwidsLimit" value="1" />
			<set name="ipsLimit" value="1" />

- correct time output for the time skills mod
- npe with geo coords check
- AnomicFoundry fix check die mobs
- correct check zones for totem items
- fixed Vengeance skill via the debuff cancellation cube
- change mp checks when using skills
- fixed 118 quest rewards
- correct updating karma counter
- logger update to log4ij2
- transition to Java 23
- updating database connector
- fixed problem with load server witjhout geo
- fixed bug of 100% overlay of third-party effects if cancel effect was present in skill
- cancel of task for return buffs when changing sub
- rework items log system
- final output of logs information & small changes at dp for skills (by report)
- added a support for angle attack of skills
- rb cancel has been redesigned to check possibility of removing buffs (if the skills do not have a block from cancel)
- added configs for oly(check level class level & noble status)
- changes to fix overbuff by number of slots
- fixed problem buy equip items at private store
- dynamic distance calculation when applying fear
- rework orfen support -> to AI
- fixed freeze problem with macro equip sets
- fixed problem lose autofarm time (for online type support)
- added event Hunt for Santa Begins
- fixed problem with active/blackout siege icons at characters (like l2off)
- item auction change support to crone time enable
- final changes for siege icons
- range area skills was wrong calc distance (was not from target)
- problem with slots when equip jewelry at hf5 client
- fixed enter & exit to transfors
- parameters for heal
- encoding bypasses for tutorial separately
- combat status checks for the ability menu
- added support for 152 protocol Salvation (for multi use)
- tele tabs extension service in community
- fixed for opening chests if the item is not stable (for mass open)
- rework spawn for Crypts of Disgrace & mechanics like l2off
- mammon changes
- Christmas events changes for can add bypadd id reward
- added skills check support for reflection enter
- added miss AI for LOA (like l2off)


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