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Revision 310

1 post in this topic

- remove dynamic respawn config for epics
- for correct work skill at hero weapon
- workpiece new items (thx Projact)
- сhangeAttribute system (workpiece)
- sync scripts by pledge packets
- add pages support for achivements category
- fixed visual bug with effect list (if use items like energy stones) by report
- gm announce (by request)
- Fixed use heal kills for summons at autofarm
- Add re-summon function at autofarm (for summon type farm)
- Add new skill options (by order)
   * MAGIC_CRIT_DEF("mCritDef")
   * ABSORB_MAGIC_DAMAGE_DEFENCE_PERCENT("absorbMagicDamPercentDefence")
- Rework 619 quest to static reward
- Effect CancelAll check effects to valide for remove
- Npe by reports
- Limit for receiving rewards for missions has been increased
- Param for switch clan missions to single (by request)
- Add miss configs
- Correct choice of encoding for requests to voting site
- Add new weapon types "Twohand Crossbow" & "Dual Blunt"
- Added for stats param "dualBluntWpnVuln"
- Fixed attack doors by summons or by player with shift
- Added all salvation npcs (thx Projact)
- Fixed problem with processing mob AI at spawn
- Update to 19 jdk
- Update connector to mariaDb
- Rework scripts compiler (now can compile files with jdk 16+ support)
- Simplify database installer
- Collect jars & cleanup
- Cleanup apach pools support to jdk
- Add support for block non-class skills at events
   * <parameter name="blockNoClassSkills" value="true" />
- Add autofarm logs by request
- Fixed next auto attack after cast skills with ctrl
- Fixed Bleeding Gash
- Rework 237 quest
- Add miss valakas skills
- Fixed baylor spawn chests
- Fixed wrong stats at some skills
- Fixed hide enchant info for dressme
- Fixed temp hero if use change subclass
- Fixed skilltype CHARGEDMG
- Added new effects HealDamPercent and ManaDamPercent
- Transfer strixguard to commons & some change server side without apache-dbpools
- Fixed spawn diff z rage at primeval zone
- Typo fix abnormal types
- Fixed visible summon name at title after use debuffs to him
- Rework "no carrier" system (now full restore char with all statuses after disconnect)
- Added check summons to target condition for skills (actual for undead skills)
- Database query edits
- State of objects (fucking atomicinteger bugs)
- Fix event items(dual daggers were not removed and didt equip)
- 134 & 135 quests rework to static system
- Fixed query errors to db in monster race
- Removed unuse configs
- Added param for active subclass to 241-247 quests (by request)
- Fixed triggers after applying damage
- Fixed use of items not prohibited at oly
- Fixed HP update in party for summons
- ExSendUIEvent format
- Fixed spawn problems in instances (spawn from dp)
- Update geoengine full
- Update moving
- Advanced support for ecnhanting
- Fixed search delay for mobs (if get effect target cancel)
- Fixed check pvp for trigger effects
- Fixed miss mobs at 643 quest
- Fixed spawn Antharas minions
- Item skill debuffs add check conditions
- Crit defence resists not add 100% resist (rework)
- Added pvp & pve info at stats voice
- Add auto trade & party for same ip or hwids
- Fixed inventory update for capsule items (if item is no stackable)
- Fixed vitality line
- Fixed range at 1307 item

& full sync with HF5 -> revision

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