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Revision 2336

1 post in this topic

- Added new options for summon farm type (magic type for summons & option for block summon melee attacks) need update autofarm
- Fixed quest by report
- New option for sellbuffs (by request)
- Added support for Rune Jewelry Box - Talisman & Pablo's Box (thx Edo Satria)
- Fixed auction error by report
- Change to correct Angry Bunny items support
- Expansion configs for custom rates
- Added param for premium (rewards modifier)
- Miss agathion skills (thx fa)
- Fixed teleports at firt if change room
- Added custom skills support for custom visual service
- Added disable full check for ingredients for multisells
- Fixed limit check at fun zones (was wrong limit param)
- Fixed problem with drop items from inventory (sometimes was hide)
- Remove all configs from rift and transfer support to xml (by request)
- Rework htmls cache system
- Solo kamaloka rewards transfer to xml
- Fixed check class id for Arena buffer at colliseum
- Fixed block use toggle skills if player sit
- Fixed disable fake death if player use toggle skill
- Check and correct all toggle skills by use mp
- Fixed attack conditions by mobs (if fake attack npcs)
- Added you support reward for class master (by order)
- Added pvp,pk & ally info for char at community main page (by request)
- Add option for not removed skills <set name="isBlockRemove" val="true" />
- Full rework toggle skills support & sync with regen (like l2off)
- Sync phys & magic atk speeds and run & walk speeds
- Fixed npe at CatsEyeBandit AI
- Next sync with npcs stats
- Npe at login, if host IP crush
- Added fail pathfinders for mobs (to check before teleport to target)
- Change calc achivements (mobs & byId) for groups
- Add separate calc stats for raids
- Add configs for auto summon buffs at community (by order)
- Some changes at water movement
- Fixed sticking during attack
- Check raids spawn locs by report
- Add new gm cmd for tele to raid by ID
- Regroup acp in one task
- Correction chance for blow skills with miss params
- Check critical damage calc
- Some configs change defaul status
- Darkness Energy Drain must not activate flag
- Adjusting escape of archer mobs
- Smoother mobs pathfinding before teleporting to target
- Transformations cant be dispel by alt+click
- Cursed players check autoattack conditions
- Fixed end attack berofe next cast skills
- Correct mobs positions why finish moving
- Added support for dragon valley migration
- Fixed problem with strider skills use
- Added new params for champion mobs
- Added new params reflectMagicSkillDam and reflectPhysSkillDam (can use by %)
- Chances modifiers for raids & champions
- Fixed correct work .relog (was crit)
- Online rewards added sql support for save info
- Rework events autotimes to cron format
- Added "enchantBonus" for skills support
- Added OnRaidPointListener
- Fixed correct work Four Sepulchers
- Colision for some npcs by report
- Added support for classic shift-click
- Added adena chance modifier for champions
- Fixed achivement rewards
- Working with thread load
- Group respawn tasks & playes sava data pools
- Miss spawn & wrong empty instaces time
- Miss capsuled items
- Added block global aggro without pathfinder for some npcs
- Added color config "switch" by request
- Group follow tasks
- Added param for champion lethal immune
- Add dropinfo by groups "bypass -h group"
- Autofarm lock
- Events items correct work
- Miss auto spawn reg fortress npcs
- Regroup calc java time for all server
- Added new type zone for sell buffs
- Some rework tasks for event Leprechaun
- Fixed 348 & 501 quest (removed ru messages in code)
- Fixed 607 quest by null error
- Update to jdk17 (start adapt code)
- Fixed 709 quest for correct work
- Removed update of raid points indatabase when killing rb to reduce load
- Check auto follow char if cant see target
- Fixed problem with attack by mobs if char run away
- Correct parse skills descr from datapack
- Better wasd
- Fixed some problem with antisignet summons at pvp zones
- Added param for block custom skills at oly (beta test)
- If cubic remove debuff check trigger too
- Add vote by l2jbrasil &
- Added config for summon owner attack
- Added custom reward for oly win & lose
- Added announce by oly battles
- Added option for mass punishment (write at name section -> ALL)
- Fixed npe by reports
- Fixed problem with loot if party leader at peace zone
- Expanded pathfind if player is hiding near columns

- 654 transfer to static system
- 653 transfer to static system


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