Posted July 23, 2021 - Add new online rewards mod - Add new params for drop items from one group (add spoil and raids) - Add params for drop items from one group for premium templates - Fixed bug with drop rewards from treasure chects (if low player apply damage) - Add params for dressme (for block enchant and augment effect -> need for hero weapons for safe hero effects) - Clenup code for charcter effectlist - Add new param for custom char (for check request item) + localization support - Check null for olympiad zones - Fixed double bypasses for some quests - Sellbuff title restore after server restart - Add remove premium support for gm - Skills level changed for more correct - Add itemConsumeCount for items support - Last Lesser Giant Olkuth have no minions - Null error for close connections - Disable restore traders for gm kick cmd - Add miss Latana skills - Miss power for Wrath skill - Correc info for 113 quest lvl diff - Reco bonus system settings in configs (by order) - cal char online time (in real time) - Fixed problem hide name for chars with cursed weapons - Traders not check by disconnect settings & configs - SagaOfTheDominator change coords for spawn quest npcs (was wrong) - Add Konoriks mass debuff - Academy service fixed double mails - Premium parse amounts change to long format - Premium pets add check to valid casts - Added miss check for zones (can be null) - Fixed noble info at char shift_click (by report) - _10295_SevenSignsSolinasTomb correct re-enter in instance with check all statuses (by report) - Rework pets heal skills support (transfer percents to xml) - Check sync pet level if player change subclass - onDeath support rework - New corrects config for rates - Correct calculation of winner by damage at oly - Fixed cast task if player cancel target - Fixed Hide remove by AOE skills - Fixed autofarm stick if mob remove at attack - Pets task error by report - quest Id 7 & 8 fixed for correct work - Correct Sailren work - Add reload support for epics (like GM reload scripts) was problem with dublicate bosses - Problem with geodata junction (by report) - Gate Chant cant use in combat status - Target Cancel effect try break cast (dont abort cast!) - Rework & group classmaster for community and general to xml format - Add pcPoints, fame and reputation for promocode support - Add enchant, augment, elementals & durability for initialEquipment support - Fixed problem with banned race at regions restart points support - Added miss RelationChanged for summons at sieges - Acp blocking if char is in heal block or stun - Reflect damage at last hit before target dead not active - Fixed Silpeed's Wing & Silpeed's Blessing print reuse time - Some changes for rnd calc drop items - Add miss skills for summon premium pets (Super the Cats) - Fixed ZombieGatekeeper AI null error (by report) - at BeastFarm can be tamed max 7 animals (like L2OFF) - Turek orcs AI rework - Added modifiers for noble stones (by order) - Added config for save enchant skills if char delevel (by order) - Correct Bleed enchant type with restore hp - Change logining format - Rework to xml and add miss for skills support character expPercentlost system - Rework double session system - Transfer pvp reward to xml - Add level limit support for pvp reward (at fun zones) - Add miss support for block potions at fight events - Fixed problem with respawn at FunPvp zones(now it teleports to nearest town) - Add party reward support for pvp - Fixed problem with pawn beleth clones after beleth death - Added debug for multisell check price - Drop protection from raids 5 min - add Active Anti-Cheat support for server - Correct spoil chances for Parasitic Leech - Fixed reflection reduce for premium players - Regroup Confirm Dialog support - Add Confirm Dialog for offline system - Fixed block max enchanting (was bug - took the item) - SOA spawn random minions every respawn (like l2OFF) - Correct drop for event MonsterAttack (and for other too -> by kill reward) - Some rework certification support in community (add block skills support) - Check to learn skills with overloaded inventory - Add scheme voice support buff (.buff <shemeName>) - Block maxAmountPerGroup configs for equip items for mobs (will standart max amount -> 1) - Add miss save status for some world events - Fixed problem with reset reuse skills at Korean Style event - Changed drop amounts support (before update on life server, check your values locally) - Rework to static system: * _112_WalkOfFate * _122_OminousNews * _174_SupplyCheck * _281_HeadForTheHills * _333_BlackLionHunt * _642_APowerfulPrimevalCreature * _643_RiseandFalloftheElrokiTribe * _663_SeductiveWhispers 3 people like this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites