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Revision 2161

1 post in this topic

- Add new gm cmd //refresh_skills
- Add skills save support for autofarm
- Block dublicate logs for oly if battles end
- Correct mp consume for Signet effects
- Some rework refresh free autofarm time mechanism
- New xml param for LOA raids (by order)
- Full rework regions size
- Rework support all zones (unlinked from regions)
- Add contition for check valid target when char cast ward
- Spell Turning add chance to effect
- Check correct enchant time for some skills (was problem)
- Some skills correct by reports
- New skillType for Block Shield and Block Wind Walk (for correct work)
- Correct revalidate zones
- Add check conditions for ressurections at TW
- Add isNoSummonFriendZone for FunPvp zones
- Full remove old revalidate and check zones support (full rework)
- Simplified siege zones conditions by new zones support
- Debuffs time new calc with resists
- Orfen msgs block to spam
- Correct timeleft for debuffs
- Change check players ip support (check ip address by client side)
- Add param for boss zones  (for enable tp)
- Diff types for blockbuff effects for correct work
- Separate column for save oly points of previous period
- Charm of Courage check only siege zone (not by reg status)
- Update auto pledge class for clan members when clan level up (needed a relog)
- Negate effects calculating the chance separately from the regular configs
- Replacement of debuffs only if there are have abnormalTypes
- Fixed oly battle damage info (now write received damage)
- Heroes battles stats calculated immediately when compiling list of heroes
- Fixed null errors with zones
- Add new params for premium templates (modifiers for min and max amount types)
- Emulation of l2off bug on "no reuse macro"
- Custom stats params for zones (by order)
- Correct last time for FishingChampion by report
- Castle teleport add time left before tp support (by order)
- Steal Divinity cant steal debuffs
- New bypass for multisells in community (with redirect bypass support)
- Mass add skills for npcs (like custom drop system)
- Add custom param "drainPercent" for calc custom drain heal (for all damage skills)
	   <add order="0x40" stat="drainPercent" val="0.5" /> 
- Block acp with flag equip
- Academy service (fixed online time info and reduce adena update)
- Full rework login & game communication support
- Added miss items for Merchant of Mammon
- Rework flood protection system (added support for check any client packets)
- Update mmocore support
- Login server rework settings
- Wrong skill in Hellblade (thx กิตติศักดิ์)
- Add replace info support for community (read more at forum)
- Custom param for fish shots
- Fix for correct work quest Good Work's Reward
- Separation of pk and karma services
- Add info by offline traders list (for GM)
- Fixed achivement update info after get reward
- Add middle check to canSeeTarget with geo by cast (like L2Off)
- Add config for block visual skins at oly
- Add param for menu for disable visual skins
- ss auto use (check like l2off)
- Added VisualSkin effect support for skills

- 66 quest rework to static system
- 312 quest rework to static system
- 376 quest rework to static system
- 377 quest rework to static system
- 605 quest rework to static system
- 611 quest rework to static system
- 241 quest rework to static system
- 242 quest rework to static system
- 246 quest rework to static system
- 247 quest rework to static system
- 373 quest rework to static system
- 336 quest rework to static system
- 382 quest rework to static system
- 631 quest rework to static system
- 648 quest rework to static system
- 417 quest rework to static system


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