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Auto Farm | Авто Фарм

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General configs:

# Enable system?
AllowAutoFarm = True

# If enable only premium players can use service.
AutoFarmOnlyForPremium = False

# Service is free?
AutoFarmIsFree = False

# Price list. Format [<hours>,<itemId>:<amount>]
AutoFarmPriceList = 1,4037:10;3,4037:15;6,4037:20;12,4037:35;24,4037:50

# Enable free trial option for players
AllowFarmFreeTime = True

# Reset the trial period every day?
AllowRefreshFarmTime = True

# Free Period time [in hours]
FarmFreeTime = 3

# If true, limits are calculated by the hwid. If false by ip.
AllowCheckHwidLimits = False

# Active limit auto farms
FarmActiveLimits = 6

# Price for limit extension.
# When server is restarted, extension reset to zero!
FarmExpendLimitPrice = 4037,1

# Default settings for attack skills
AttackSkillChance = 100
AttackSkillPercent = 5

# Default settings for chance skills
ChanceSkillChance = 100
ChanceSkillPercent = 5

# Default settings for self skills
SelfSkillChance = 100
SelfSkillPercent = 5

# Default settings for heal skills
HealSkillChance = 100
HealSkillPercent = 30

# Default settings for summon attack skills
SummonAttackSkillChance = 100
SummonAttackSkillPercent = 5

# Default settings for summon self skills
SummonSelfSkillChance = 100
SummonSelfSkillPercent = 5

# Default settings for summon heal skills
SummonHealSkillChance = 100
SummonHealSkillPercent = 30

# Default shortcut to check skills.
ShortCutPage = 10

# Default and max distance for search mpbs.
SearchDistance = 2000

# Default auto farm type. [0 Fighter] [1 Archer] [2 Mage] [3 Support] [4 Summon]
AutoFarmType = 0

# Default interval task.
AutoFarmIntervalTask = 700

# Skills Extra Delay [in seconds].
SkillsExtraDelay = 5

# Keep Location Delay [in seconds].
KeepLocationDelay = 10

# Run Close Up Delay [in seconds].
RunCloseUpDelay = 2

# Run Close Up distance.
RunCloseUpDistance = 100


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# Service is free only for premium players?
AutoFarmIsFreeForPremium = False

# If true, time decrease will only occur when the farm is active.
AutoFarmOnlineType = False


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New options!


1. Expanded the management of skills amount.

2. Added auto resurrection support in party (check all alive party members)

3. Added delay for return to keep location if have no targets & delay for disable autofarm if char die in party.


# Max skills amount per type
FarmMaxSkills = 14

# If char have items, he can res dead party member.
RessurectionItemList = 737,3936

# If char die in party will delay for try resurrect, before autofarm will disable.
# If enable keep location will delay before char return to location if targets empty.
WaitDelayTime = 60


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New options!


- update design

- added separation types for summon (fighter & mage types)

- added option for disable melee summon attackes

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