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Revision 1568

1 post in this topic

- Optimize server startup
- Community restructuring:
   * Improved RB statistics for community
   * Realization of drop calculator for mobs
   * Reworked statistics in the community under the new format
   * Reworked premium service in community
   * Fix display donate items in community (not all showed)
   * Reworked friends page in community
   * Fix sales through the community (for ordinary players)
   * Fix community warhouse (for ordinary players)
   * Support for displaying images of mobs in drop calculator of community
   * Full localization of community!

- Support event scrolls for weapons and armor
- Heal players before the round on Oly
- Removed support leaderboards
- Added debug html paths and zones for GMs
- Correct ways for html for NPCs trainers
- Fix path validation to htm log admin
- Black Marketeer of Mammon not priest... (type adjustment)
- Added support for skipped skills Agation Juju
- Fix script npcs for drop calculator + Hellbound npcs
- Rework Nevit system
- Fix work item Nevit's Voice
- Rework RecoBonus system
- Fixed problems with some skills under geo (was crits)
- Chests are displayed in separate instance
- Added config to disable spawn chests
- Fixed buges chest (was critobal GS by geo)
- Processing mechanics drop on radius + correct attach drop to geo
- Fixed stuck with raising drop by geo
- Rewritten AI for all running mobs in LOA and DV
- Fixed skill summon friend (incorrect work with geo)
- Fixed a stuck after using the skill warp
- Fix using skill mobs (they beat each other)
- Fixed attack radius Tanta Lizardman Magician and Priest Guard
- Fixed a bug attack mobs with poles and other mass weapons (inflicts damage each other)
- Fix checks for mobs attack in some AI
- Fix spawn Plague Golem (was critobal by geo)
- Fix default configuration menu (was auto enabled by default)
- Fix custom days rates (not correctly calculatevalue for simple accounts)
- Fixed error when send items by mail

- New voting system with support:
   * HopZone
   * L2TopZone
   * L2Network
   * L2Top
   * MmoTop
   * MmoVote

- Correct stat for mob Gem Dragon
- Expanded configs for event Master Of Enchanting (+ setting rewards on level of enchating through xml)
- Added configs on pvp points with active TVT and TVT round
- Rework SOD Manager
- Spawn of seed only when you SOD open
- Rework skills for seed collection (removed crutches worked on separate scripts)
- Updated quest _692_HowtoOpposeEvil
- Ability to load images in .jpg and .bmp format other than .png
- Removed support for phantoms (only extra load on the server)
- Full rework mode of Champion mobs (now customizable templates and you can do several types of champions)
- Added config on limiting entry in Cruma Tower by level

- On localization:
   * Edit ru dialogues Olympiads Manager
   * Localization Seyo
   * Localization Mercenary Managers in casltes
   * Localization Wyvern Manager
   * Localization Sumiel
   * Localization trainers
   * Support localization skills
   * Support localization items
   * Support localization npcs (names and titles)
   * Support localization for clan halls


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