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Showing most liked content on 04/07/21 in all areas

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    - rec bonus time enabled even if the bonus is 0 (like l2off) - login thread must not stop (problems with ddos) - packets substitution problem with item-mall - check correct info for NevitSystem for new players! - upgrade nevit points when you lower your vitality level - correct reuse agathion buff skills - added individual template for char names (at cb rename service) - fixed pvp status with pole attack (if flagged player was hit) - added range check for some quests with cc or party reward - check skills range (for skills with Signet effects) - added miss params for chance cc leader (if deader was disconnect) - fixed correct transfer att form item to item (at rare service) - add support for premium acc from items: <set name="handler" val="Premium" /> <set name="premiumId" val="1" /> <!-- premiumId from xml --> - some changes for premium gift (by report) - typo changes by order (hide info) - add IllegalPlayerAction for wrong actions (at transforms) - add configs for fake enchanters - complete reworking of drop formula calculation!!! - add support for skillId 2914 Equipment Set Pack - skills Checking System rework for correct work (only class skills are checked) - world events transfer to cron format date calc - fixed print item name info at promo codes - added lvl check for use promo codes - add Illegal Action for use wrong pet skills - add open url support for Smart Guard - fixed calc drop amount chance if item have 100% chance at x1 rates - added configs for Infinite Beast Shot - oly battles in cron format by order - fixed minions dissapier by report if leader die - check 20_10 square & miss spawn - getRandomDamageMultiplier only for hits (not for skills) - servitor share remove if player trasformed - rework 113 quest by report - update tradelist for stackable items (by report) - players remove fakedeath only by offensive skills - reflect damage cant add if player is invul - reconfiguration of bypass switching on/off in community - remove reg for player at fight event (if event failed to start) - added //admin_teleport support - if player have premium status -> summon will have premium status too (need for calc buffs time or drop calc) - fixed updates items in manufacture shop - more correct check distance for pole attacks - add drop reload support - rework show drop & spoil info for gm (can use without target) - _230_TestOfSummoner rework & update by report - add forbiddenList for custom drop support - add ultimate defence for mobs support (like l2off) - 902 quest fixed by report - correct collision for some raids - fixed buff at Fantasy Isle (Fantasy Isle Magic) - add new param for skill ignoreInvincible (can allow skills if char is invul state) * <set name="ignoreInvincible" val="true" /> - fixed chain heal (add caster to list) - fixed kamael change class and grand masters (by report) - add miss spawn - rework minions spawn for SOA (add rnd spawn in xml) - fixed null errors by reports